"All things are delivered unto Me of My Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and He to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him." (Matthew 11:27) *************************************************************************** OUR GOD REIGNS OVER ALL TUNE TO: "HOW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS" CM WORDS BY JIM BYRD
1. The Lord Jehovah governs all, And does His perfect will; His counsel He shall bring to pass, With an unerring skill.
2. Throughout the spacious universe, God has His sovereign way; In heav’n above and here on earth, All things His will obey.
3. Rejoice ye people of the Lord, This word of comfort hear; That God your Lord rules over all, Should cancel ev’ry fear.
4. He reigns in wisdom, grace and pow’r, This is our confidence; The Lord works all things for our good, So trust His providence. *************************************************************************** SCRIPTURE READINGS TODAY: MORNING: 2 TIMOTHY 4:1-8 EVENING: LUKE 12:41-59
Daily Readings - April 15-21 Sunday - 2 Samuel 15-16 Monday - 2 Samuel 17-18 Tuesday - 2 Samuel 19-20 Wednesday- 2 Samuel 21-22 Thursday - 2 Samuel 23-24 Friday - 1 Kings 1-2 Saturday - 1 Kings 3-4 *************************************************************************** NO COMPROMISE The mingling of error with truth is a special form of evil and a very effective strategy in Satan’s arsenal of weapons. This was his methodology in Galatia. False teachers crept in and perverted the gospel by adding works to the message of grace thus adulterating the doctrine of justification by the righteousness of Christ and pardon by His blood. They did not deny the death of Christ, but limited the efficacy of the atonement by requiring obedience to the law as a condition of salvation. They made salvation dependent upon, not the blood and righteousness of Christ, but obedience to the law.
Many today, under the guise of love, would have those who embrace the message of grace compromise that which we know to be the truth for the sake of "Christian unity." I want to plainly declare that there can be no unity at the expense of the gospel. We must not allow error to be mingled with truth. May the Lord give us grace to maintain the purity of the gospel no matter the cost. –Pastor Jim Byrd *************************************************************************** SUFFERING SAINTS ENCOURAGED "He whom Thou lovest is sick" (John 11:3). THIS is the truth, dear invalid reader, upon which the Lord would pillow and sustain your soul—that you are the sick one whom He loves. Doubtless the enemy, ever on the watch to distress the saints of God, eager to avail himself of every circumstance in their history favorable to the accomplishment of His malignant designs, has taken advantage of your illness to suggest hard and distrustful thoughts of the Lord’s love to you. "Does He love you? Can He love you and afflict you thus? What! This hectic fever, these faintings and swoonings, these insufferable tortures, this long wasting, this low insidious disease—and yet loved by God! Impossible!" Such has been the false reasoning of Satan and such the echo of unbelief. But Lazarus was loved of Jesus, and so are you! That darkened room, that curtained bed, contains one for whom the Son of God came down to earth—to live, to labor, and to die! That room is often radiant with His presence and that bed is often made with His hands. Jesus is never absent from that spot! The affectionate husband, the tender wife, the fond parent, the devoted sister, the faithful nurse, are not in more constant attendance at that solemn post of observation than is Jesus. They must be absent; He never is, for one moment, away from that couch. Sleep must overcome them; but He who guards that suffering patient "shall neither slumber nor sleep" (Psalm 121:4). Long-continued watching must exhaust them; but He, the Divine Watcher, "fainteth not, neither is weary" (Isaiah 40:28). –Octavius Winslow *************************************************************************** A TRIBUTE TO BIG JACK Many years ago, while standing in the chow line during a conference at the Thirteenth Street Baptist Church in Ashland, Kentucky, a man approached me and introduced himself in his distinctive Texas drawl, "I’m Big Jack." Jack Shanks and I became instant buddies. At the time I pastored in Rocky Mount, Virginia and he pastored in New Caney, Texas. Later, when I served the cause of Christ in Ball, Louisiana, Big Jack and I would meet every other Monday in Jasper, Texas where we would enjoy delightful fellowship and play golf together. I left Louisiana and a few years later, in May of 1996, moved up here. The Lord had laid it upon the heart of brother Wayne Carrick to phone Jack seeking his recommendation for someone to come to Almont and preach the gospel. Big Jack recommended me. The rest is - as they say - history.
In recent years, Big Jack’s health has been failing and on April 7th the Lord was pleased to take him into His glorious presence. Now, free from all effects of sin, he has joined the saints above (including brother Carrick), singing praises to the Lamb of God. Pray for Shirley, his devoted wife of 63 years. I give thanks to the Lord for Big Jack. He has been a true friend to me. --Pastor Jim Byrd