The Benny Bandwagon is rolling into New York tonight for an International Crusade, 24-26 August 2005.
I wonder if this Big Apple venture will be as 'spectacular' as some of Hinn's previous claims? For example:
• on the build up to his Kenya Crusade (2000), he repeatedly stressed:
“I believe. Hear this. Hear this. I believe that Jesus, God’s Son, is about to appear physically in meetings and to believers around the world to wake us up. ... You know a prophetess sent me word through my wife right here and she said, ‘Tell your husband that Jesus is going to physically appear in his meetings. I’m expecting to see; I’m telling you I feel it’s going to happen.’ I am careful in how I am saying it now because I know that people in Kenya are listening. I know deep in my soul something supernatural is going to happen in Nairobi, Kenya. I feel that I may very well come back ... with footage of Jesus on the platform.”
This footage has yet to be released ... Any guesses why?!
... Beware of Benny!
Check out the message: 'Benny Hinn On The Heresy Bandwagon!' ( for exposure of more outrageous claims and practices!