October 2, 2011
Church Websites: lantanagrace.org sermonaudio.com/dleeb Revival Sought
Revive Thy work, 0 Lord, 0 Lord,
Disturb this sleep 0f death,
Quicken the smoldering embers now,
By Thine almighty breath.
Revive Thy work, 0 Lord, 0 Lord,
Thy mighty arm make bare;
Speak with the voice that wakes the dead,
And make Thy people hear.
Revive Thy work, 0 Lord, 0 Lord,
Create soul-thirst for Thee,
And hungering for the bread of life,
0 may our spirits be!
Revive Thy work, 0 Lord, 0 Lord,
Exalt Thy precious name;
And, by the Holy Ghost, our love
For Thee and Thine inflame.
Revive Thy work, 0 Lord, 0 Lord,
And give refreshing showers,
The glory shall be Thine alone,
The blessing, Lord, be ours.
(Tune: "0 How I Love Jesus" #483)
Revive Us Again
Ps. 86:5
“Wilt not thou revive us again: that we may rejoice in thee?”
When the religious world talks about revival they mean an emotional series of meetings that will win souls and get backslidden church members to rededicate their lives to an impotent Jesus.
But the psalmist prays and asks the Lord; “Wilt thou not revive us again”?
I believe we desperately need for God to revive us…to stir up our hearts...to awaken us out of our stupor. To keep us from just going through the motions when we meet together…to please not let us be mechanical in our services.
O God revive us…save us from our presumptions of we must be alright, after all we have the right doctrine, we have a preacher and a good building to meet in, we know we are sinners and Christ is the only Savior…so we are all fine.
Will you please cause our hearts to burn within us for Love for our Lord Jesus? Will you please teach us to pray from our hearts? Will you please give us a burden for the word of the Lord?
Would please wean us from the world…from self-seeking…from materialism…wanting to be recognized…and from our vain glory?
O Lord revive us give us the Spirit that quickens us when we meet…that will keep our minds from wandering…and worrying about things that in the end don’t matter.
Will you revive us so that our relationship with you and the Son of your love will mean more to us than anything else in this world? Then we will truly “rejoice in thee”.
- Pastor
“To Stir up your pure minds . . .” – II Peter 3:1
The dictionary defines ‘pure’ as: ‘free from mixture, clear’. What a good description of the mind which God hath given to His people (let this mind be in you).
By the grace and regenerating power of God every child of God has been given a new mind that is free from mixture and clear. There is no mixing of law and grace in a believer’s mind. There is no mixing of God’s work and man’s works. There is no mixing of God’s will and man’s will. The unbelieving religious world is all mixed up when it comes to what they think about God and salvation. Not God’s people. Their minds are made up (by God Himself). Their minds are clear. Their minds are made up (and nothing and no one can change them). For they have all been taught of God. They ALL know that salvation is pure grace . . . not of works lest any man should boast. They ALL know that God worketh ALL THINGS after the counsel of HIS WILL. They ALL know that God alone has free will and man’s will is only sinful. They ALL know that salvation is of the Lord; that He thought it, bought it, and brought it; that He purposed it, purchased it, and applies it. They all know that their salvation is completely in and of the Lord Jesus Christ; that He is their righteousness before a Holy God, that He is their sin-sacrifice, that He is their High Priest, Mediator, Covenant Head, Redeemer, Law-Keeper, Lord and King. The faith, the heart, the mind of every believer is purely of Christ. His mind is made up, settled and clear, Christ is all!
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Lord, Thou madest us for Thyself and we can find no rest till we find rest in Thee. - Augustine
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There are many heads resting on Christ's bosom, but there is room for yours there. - Samuel Rutherford
– Pastor Paul Mahan