Dear Prayer Partners: Sunny Point breakthrough: Thank you for praying. There were some major problems with the situation in the Sunny Point Building Project. A number of misunderstandings and mistakes needed to be cleared up so that everyone would resume working together. We had a major breakthrough last night, and I believe that we are now back on track. The Sunny Point church itself will be now taking the lead in further work on the building.
The funds for the building are pretty nearly exhausted at this point. I think that there will be enough to put in toilets and hook up the water system, which will primarily depend on rainwater caught off the roof. We should be installing the electric lights and outlets within the next week or two. I will also seek some funds apart to pay for the electrical hookup.
The Sunny Point church has been working on their own sort of building fund, putting what they can apart so that they can procede when the Building Project funds run out. We will be praying about funds also for painting the church.
Bible Institute concluding: I decided to cancel the final exam for the last module of our Advanced Bible Institute. I covered a brief introduction to apologetics, and then went over the history of missions in detail. My goals were not to test the students’ ability to remember a number of names and personal details about individual missionaries. My main goal was to show that throughout the ages, God has raised up men and women to spread the gospel throughout the world, often at incredible sacrifice. I want them to see that the church is given the responsibility of evangelizing the world. When the Student Volunteer Movement was active a century ago, their motto was to evangelize the world in this generation. That should really be the goal for every generation. And we have far more material and technical resources than the apostolic church ever did, and yet they were more successful in many ways than we have been. So I want the students to recognize that the key is the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, and that we are debtors like Paul was. Whether “on the mission field” or in the USA, we all have responsibility.
So we will be concluding the final module next Tuesday. We have a short lesson and then we will have a time of fellowship and a snack before we are done. Needless to say, the students were delighted. Following this year, we will be giving the lessons by correspondence. I have put these lessons also on DVD so that the students can supplement the text with the DVD as desired. We pray that these lessons will be a blessing in the future.
Church independence: The government agency responsible to approve our papers for the church finally called us to meet with them. Br. Ro Talea and Br. Kalow Palata went yesterday. There were several items that need to be corrected, but it should not be a big task. Br. Ro Talea will be out of country for a week in Brazil working, and hopes to have some time in the evenings to make the corrections. We hope that soon the church will be recognized by the government as a legal entity.
Prayer requests:
- Health and strength for the work
- Our spiritual growth
- Safety on the road
- Church independence
- Outreach - soulwinning, etc.
- Positive spiritual growth through the Bible Institute
- Continued progress on Sunny Point church
- Andoe Kampoe outreach
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton