This is a truly great report from here in Naples Italy. It is something that all of you, our supporters have a part in, and I want to tell you about it. As most of you folks are aware Linda and I have been missionaries for a long time, and we have been primarily ministering to the American military. But, in addition to the military, this ministry has included many others who are from many different countries, religions, etc. Having recently arrived here in Naples a little more than a year ago to salvage a nearly defunct Baptist church, we are seeing a remarkable comeback. The Lord has done a wonderful thing here. We have seen the church move from a very bad area (all Navy personel were even required to relocate away from that area) to a superb location right next to a NATO base that is shortly to become operational. Souls have been saved, folks are growing in Christ, and there is a definite excitement amongst the people, which is presently running about 45 in number.
Of interest is the amount of refugees from outside of Italy that are in the area, in addition to the American military personnel from the Navy bases. One of the refugees is Bonsu. from Ghana, and he is also a lay-preacher, in fact he is the man who preached for the few left during the year prior to my arrival, when they had no missionary pastor. It has been on the heart of our people to send Bonsu out on a missionary journey back to Ghana as a missionary out of this church. It has come to fruition, and we commissioned him this past Sunday. It was a tremendous encouragement to this whole church, and there were many tears of joy and praising God! I have to tell you, that to this longtime missionary, it was one of the highlights of my time as a servant of God as well. Pictures follow. (You must also remember that just a year ago, there were only two military families left in the church - one of them transferred out last month, and the other will be transferring out next month - but the church continues on!!!)
It was necessary to down size upon our move to the new location, and I haven't been able to get a baptismal in the new facilities as of yet. Consequently, the baptismal resides at my house. When we baptize folks we have had to have our Sunday evening service at my house. Yesterday, May 1st, was just that sort of service.
After our normal Sunday morning service at the church, we all came to our house for the evening service when I baptized some folks, we sang some songs and hymns, and then the evening service was preached by David Bowidowicz, a Navy Lieutenant Commander who is a recent member here. I baptized two of his daughters just prior to his preaching. As I write this letter, Linda is holding a Bible Study with one of our new Christian ladies who was saved about a month ago. In about an hour, Linda and I will be heading over to the house of a new Navy family who has recently transferred to Naples; they seem very interested in the ministry here.
Once again I want to encourage everyone who has had a part in this ministry; you have eternal rewards that can't be taken away. "Only one Life will soon be passed, only what's done for Christ will last!"