Dear Praying Friends: Sunny Point: We continue to need your prayers, especially for both the building project and the Sunny Point church and leaders. Our goal at present is that we can actually hold services in the church building even if we do not finish painting and other finishing touches. We are making progress. The roof is on, although a few leaking areas need to be repaired. The ceiling is already in place in several rooms, and more than half of the main auditorium is completed. The initial work on the electrical connections are in place, as is the initial work on the plumbing. I anticipate that very soon we will be finishing the cement work on the walls inside the church, and completing the platform in front of the church as well. The doors and windows are being assembled now - 18 doors and 64 windows! They need to be finished, given a protective coat of paint, and hung. The windows can go anytime now; the doors will need to wait until the cement floor is finished. We have been having some problems finding proper workmen to work with the main men in charge of the work, and we would appreciate your prayers. And especially, I would ask you to pray for funds. At this point, I am not asking the Lord for funds to complete all the work, but to get the church to the point that it is usable. Costs have been more than anticipated, and also there has been inflation with devaluation of the Suriname dollar this year.
In Andoe Kampoe, my wife and I continue to go soulwinning weekly, and usually see at least one or two professions of faith. We spoke with a lady for a long time last Saturday, and she seemed to really understand salvation. Her sister was already saved and had witnessed to her already, and was standing nearby as we witnessed to her. After considerable thought, she decided to accept the Lord. We make a point of making the plan of salvation as clear as we possibly can, and then challenge the individual to make a decision after he knows what he is doing.
Other projects: We continue to make progress on the final module of the advanced Bible Institute, and I completed the Sranantongo New Testament 15 minute broadcasts last week, and they should be beginning on radio station Koyeba soon - hopefully by next week. The last section of the Bible Institute goes over two topics - apologetics and history of missions outreach. I am hoping that people will have a better understanding of the solid basis of our faith, and also the necessity of reaching out to the lost.
One of the great blessings we have as Christians is the Word of God. I took the opportunity to give both the history and comparison of Bibles at the Winti Wai church yesterday and will do the same this week at the main church in conjunction with the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible printing. When I think of how many men have sacrificed their lives to allow us to have the Word of God, we must be grateful and apply His Word to our lives. It was a great privilege to be able to translate the Bible into Sranantongo, and we continue to see the benefits of the translation, not only in preaching, but also in the Bible Institute, study materials, radio and television broadcasts.
A toothy blessing: I had problems with a back molar 6 months ago while in the USA, and had seen a dentist twice. Over the last week, it flared up and I was convinced that I needed a root canal. I was praying for God’s intervention while in our church service, and suddenly felt a small chunk of material in my mouth which I swallowed since I was just ready to preach. But the pain decreased dramatically and is nearly gone today. I am virtually certain that some food or other particle got jammed into the gum, and when it came out, I have been almost back to normal. Thank you Lord for answered prayer.
Prayer requests:
- Our health and strength for the tasks
- Our spiritual growth and understanding
- Safety driving
- Power in the preaching of the Word
- Souls saved and disciples taught
- Independence of the churches
- Building project at Sunny Point and the necessary finances
- Andoe Kampoe - a spiritual breakthrough
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname