"When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I." (Psalm 61:2) ____________________________________________________________
1. Eternal, faithful, gracious Lord, We bow before Thy throne; Come as we gather in Thy Name, And make Thy glories known.
2. O send Thy Spirit from above, To touch these lips of ours; That we would praise and honor Thee, With all our earthly pow’rs.
3. When we shall hear Thy word proclaimed, Lord send it deep within; O fill each heart with love and grace, And cleanse us from our sin.
4. May all who gather in this house, By faith to Jesus flee; He is the Lord our Righteousness, Who made our peace with Thee.
5. O give us grace to bless Thy name As one, to raise our voice; To honor and adore our God, To worship and rejoice. ____________________________________________________________
The Cure for Misery
The reason for the misery which we experience in this life is sin. It is the cause of every ill thing: sickness, pain, sorrow, death and countless other things. If sin is the origin of every misery, what is the remedy? It is the redeeming work of our Lord Jesus Christ. O that the Holy Spirit would enable us to see that the blessed Redeemer has removed that which is the very root of all of our problems. "Christ died for our sins" (1 Corinthians 15:3). When the eye of faith beholds Him who made satisfaction to offended justice for our sins, when we see that Christ condemned sin when He gave His life a ransom for many, then sadness will be turned to joyfulness. Herein lies the key to happiness and contentment in this world. "Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith." Child of God, would you face this new year with confidence and cheerfulness? Believe the Word of God which declares that Christ has made an end of sins for all who believe Him. God the Father is satisfied with the life, death and resurrection of your Savior. You are made comely through His righteousness. Let every doubt and fear vanish; let joy fill your heart. Your acceptance has never been dependent upon you, but upon your Surety. Your standing before God is secure because you abide in Him forever.
"I will go in the strength of the Lord God: I will make mention of Thy righteousness, even of Thine only" (Psalm 71:16).
Wise travelers provide things needful for their journey, and guard against such as lie in wait to rob them. Our gracious God calls not His dear children to forsake their native country to travel to the heavenly city without furnishing them with a rich supply of all things necessary for their comfort, and also strength to protect them from the power of every enemy. No soldier of His goeth a warfare at his own charge. Christ being both their righteousness and strength, they can want nothing. Hence they go on from day to day, glorying in Him as their richest treasure, and trusting in Him as their almighty strength; and this is their constant song in the house of their pilgrimage, and all their journey through: "Surely, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength" (Isaiah 45:24). Jesus’ righteousness inspires the soul with boldness before God. Jesus’ strength obtains victory over every enemy. This is the triumph of faith. So believers walk safely and comfortably. Children of grace are not called to be idle spectators in doctrines, but to a life of activity, to holy walking with Jesus, constant hearing of His love, cheerful obedience to His will, diligent search of the Scriptures, steadfast resistance of Satan, striving daily against sin, and praying always with all prayer and supplication.
But well may one ask, "Who is sufficient for these things?" As to natural power and inherent strength, we must all sit down in despair. But faith leads from self to Jesus. I can do all things through Christ strengthening me; so will I go on against my enemies; thus I shall be enabled to walk in the paths of every duty. Yet after I have done all, my Savior bids me confess the truth, that I am an unprofitable servant.
But is not this discouraging to the soul? No; for it works not to obtain righteousness. It is already clothed with that, and, in the view of faith, rejoices in it; abjures (denounces) all other, and will make mention of Jesus’ righteousness, and His only, for acceptance with God, perfect justification before Him from every condemnation of the law and accusation of Satan. True, doubts and fears may arise, distressing thoughts deject; but happily are we conducted, joyful shall be our experience, while the righteousness of Christ is held by faith, as our only hope, our only joy, our only crown of rejoicing. For we are made the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21).
First Baptist Church 881 Van Dyke Road, P.O. Box 155, Almont, Michigan 48003 810-798-8888 Jim Byrd, Pastor
Sunday Schedule: 8:30 a.m. Television Broadcast over Cable Channel 97 in Almont, Imlay City and Dryden 9:45 a.m. Bible Classes 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.. WORSHIP SERVICES
Wednesday: Worship Service & Youth Groups 7 p.m.
Pastor Byrd’s messages are accessible on www.freegraceradio.com, Audio cassette and CD, Video tape and DVD www.sermonaudio.com/fbcalmont email: fbc@airadvantage.net