For the120+ commissioners to the OPC General Assembly, the morning began with breakfast from 7-8 am. No rest for the weary, as we got back to our desks and back to work by 8:15. The moderator has been leading us through various items, such as responding to overtures and communications from our Presbyteries and our churches. As sometimes happens, one of our number got sick and is back in the room resting. That would be my son Elijah, who has been helping the assembly as a "gopher." Depending on the amount of business remaining, we will recess sometime late this afternoon. The assembly will be in recess until Monday morning. As for Elijah and I, we will be heading back home to Sheboygan for the Lord's Day. I will return very early on Monday morning and be here until the end of the Assembly. It seems that could be as early as Tuesday, since much of our docket is already accomplished. Also this morning we heard from a representative of the RCUS - a German Reformed denomination with one of its churches near is in Manitowoc, WI.