True faith is a certain steady confidence in God, that He is gracious through Christ, and that for the sake of Christ, His thoughts are thoughts of love towards us; thus these two, God's thoughts and promises, and the faith whereby I take hold on them, are joined together.Martin Luther
Our Blog
-- recent blog posts -- 12/31/2016 - Loss in 2016, hope for 2017 9/5/2016 - Matt13 v44-46. As we start another... 8/18/2016 - All things are working for my good? Rom... 8/17/2016 - We are more than conquerors through Him... 1/8/2016 - Fear Not, says the Angel . Luke2 v10. 6/3/2015 - Who should we see is on the Throne? The... 5/24/2015 - The Good Shepherd - part 1 1/19/2015 - All things for good!?Romans chapter... 10/27/2014 - Never say this to a person who does... 10/24/2014 - Noah 6/10/2014 - Is the law for today? 5/28/2014 - Why art thou cast down? oh my soul ? 5/9/2014 - Mark Chp4 v36-41.The Unbelieving... 2/20/2014 - Worry?why worry?but we do! 1/21/2014 - Eternal Weight of Glory 2 Corinthians 4... 1/9/2014 - Illegal to annoy 10/18/2013 - Do you know God ?! 2/12/2013 - Did Christ die for every person? 1/27/2013 - Realising again the handiwork of God 1/12/2013 - None but Jesus 12/21/2012 - Dayspring from on High has visited us... 12/7/2012 - A Time to Speak Up!Galatians chapter 2... 10/30/2012 - Not that weloved... but He loved us.... 7/9/2012 - He has no equal! 6/25/2012 - Are you clothed in Christ Garment ?? 6/21/2012 - Is your Old Man dead Yet? 6/11/2012 - Your Heart not your works and deeds!! 6/7/2012 - Shame on us if we dont really know... 5/14/2012 - Let the dead bury their dead!!! 5/10/2012 - Does Christ really mean that?? 5/9/2012 - Faith without works is Dead 5/7/2012 - What makes a person a Christian? 5/1/2012 - Dead or alive? 4/21/2012 - Lukewarmness leads to Hells Gate 4/20/2012 - Justification by an imputed... 4/19/2012 - I feel soo sinful am I really saved !!?? 4/14/2012 - Repent or all Perish !! 4/12/2012 - On Whom I Will have mercy 4/11/2012 - Have you gone further for Christ ? 3/2/2012 - Comfort ye my people (Isa 40 v1) 2/27/2012 - The Lord is my Shepherd. 1/21/2012 - Justification By Faith 8/24/2011 - Spiritual Health Check 8/10/2011 - Riots in England - A society with sick... 7/25/2011 - Spiritual Comfort in General 7/17/2011 - Electing Grace (Continued) 7/13/2011 - God's Sovereign Grace 7/12/2011 - Electing Grace (cont..). 7/11/2011 - Electing Grace. 7/9/2011 - J.C. Ryle 6/24/2011 - All for HIM 5/9/2011 - SIMPLE! 4/12/2011 - Blessing, despite our circumstances 4/8/2011 - 'By Grace are you saved, through faith' 3/29/2011 - OF JOY - H. BONAR 3/27/2011 - "Tis grace has kept me to this day, And... 3/25/2011 - Behind a Frowning Providence 3/22/2011 - Particular Redemption 3/15/2011 - God's love is unconditional. 3/10/2011 - The Sick Person's State is Unknown (A.... 3/8/2011 - ONLY! 3/3/2011 - Gods Providence - John Murray 3/2/2011 - Alive or Dead? (J.C. Ryle) 2/28/2011 - If the truth shall make you free, you... 2/22/2011 - The wages of sin is death, but the gift... 2/16/2011 - Under His wings 2/14/2011 - The Gospel will always be there. 1/27/2011 - God is our refuge 1/26/2011 - "His ways are not our ways" 12/13/2010 - 'Cast thy burden on the Lord' 12/6/2010 - Do You Desire God? 11/29/2010 - Lowliness of Heart 11/18/2010 - God's Guiding Hand - Hudson Taylor 11/8/2010 - Happy days 11/4/2010 - It was from the hand of God. Eccl 2:24 10/26/2010 - ONLY GOD KNOWS BEST 10/13/2010 - For the aged who are sick - A.A. Bonar 10/4/2010 - ALL-PRAYER - A Bonar 9/24/2010 - Ignorance - Isaiah Chp 1 v 2-3 9/13/2010 - Praying allways. 9/2/2010 - Popes Visit to Britain. 8/30/2010 - ADOPTION 8/20/2010 - What is a Pharisee? 8/18/2010 - THE LOVE OF CHRIST - Frances R. Havergal 8/13/2010 - Watching Unto Prayer - A A Bonar 8/9/2010 - Help for the troubled - Andrew Bonar 8/1/2010 - Why are we fearful? 7/31/2010 - All things are possible to him that... 7/19/2010 - The Intercession of Christ. 6/29/2010 - Rock or Sand Matt 7:24-27 6/26/2010 - Time For A Daily Spiritual Check-up 6/21/2010 - (Part 5) PILGRIMS lack of PROGRESS 6/14/2010 - PILGRIMS lack of PROGRESS 6/12/2010 - Joy of The Lord 6/8/2010 - PILGRIMS lack of PROGRESS (cont. part 3) 6/4/2010 - PILGRIMS lack of PROGRESS (continued -... 5/31/2010 - PILGRIMS lack of PROGRESS 5/25/2010 - LOOKING UPWARD - A.W. Pink 5/24/2010 - Sins of the Saints - A.W. Pink 5/18/2010 - Are we in Gods' Kingdom? 5/17/2010 - Forgiving one another ......... (Eph... 5/14/2010 - Martin Luther 5/5/2010 - Jesus Christ is everything 4/30/2010 - Look Upward - A.W. Pink 4/26/2010 - Christian Maturity - Are you acting... 4/19/2010 - A WAY OF ESCAPE 4/12/2010 - Some signs of true conversion 4/9/2010 - HOW SHOULD WE PRAY? 4/1/2010 - TAKE UP YOUR CROSS 3/29/2010 - THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE - Robert Murray... 3/26/2010 - Look Upward - A.W. Pink 3/21/2010 - Seekers Touching Christ - C.H. Spurgeon 3/15/2010 - Message before the Lord's table - R.M.... 3/9/2010 - And why call ye me, Lord, Lord (Luke... 3/8/2010 - But he that is greatest among... 3/4/2010 - The Providence of God - John Flavel 3/2/2010 - Have you denied self and taken up the... 2/23/2010 - Justification by faith only - Martin... 2/14/2010 - The heart is deceitful above all things... 2/8/2010 - God of all Comfort 1/31/2010 - Abide in Christ - F.B. Meyer 1/25/2010 - London Theological Seminary Inaugural... 1/22/2010 - No Freedom Except in Christ - D.M.... 1/18/2010 - How God works by providence - R.M.... 1/16/2010 - How God works by providence (continued)... 1/15/2010 - How God works by Providences - R.M.... 1/11/2010 - Surely goodness and mercy..... (Psalm... 1/8/2010 - Peace and safety (Psalm 4v8) 1/5/2010 - Thoughts for the Queit Hour. D.L. Moody 1/2/2010 - Forgetting the past .......New Year 1/1/2010 - The Preaching of The Cross - A. A. Bonar 12/21/2009 - Riches of Grace - Andrew Bonar 12/11/2009 - Strengthened with Might - D.M.... 12/9/2009 - The Irrationality of Unbelief - D.M... 12/6/2009 - Patience 11/21/2009 - Stand Fast - D.M Lloyd-Jones 11/20/2009 - Children of God 11/15/2009 - While we were yet sinners 11/10/2009 - THE MINSTREL - C.H Spurgeon 11/5/2009 - True revivals and the men God uses - H... 11/4/2009 - True Revivals and the men God used - H... 11/2/2009 - True Revivals - H Bonar 10/27/2009 - Christ is all, and in all. (Col 3:11) 10/16/2009 - ASSURANCE - Duncan M 10/14/2009 - The Christian in Romans 7 - A.W. Pink 10/4/2009 - Studies in Galatians - Martin Luther 9/29/2009 - The Indwelling Christ 9/25/2009 - Good Cheer from Christ's Victory 9/24/2009 - From glory to glory 9/21/2009 - "This thing is from me." (1 Kings 12:24) 9/18/2009 - Watching unto prayer - Andrew A Bonar 9/16/2009 - Spiritual Allergy 9/13/2009 - Rest upon God 9/8/2009 - The state of the Nation - Lloyd-jones 9/7/2009 - The Exchanged Life (conclusion) Hudson... 9/4/2009 - The Exchanged Life (continued) 9/3/2009 - The Exchanged life - Hudson Taylor 8/28/2009 - Dwelling in Him 8/24/2009 - The Lord will care - C.H. Spurgeon 8/21/2009 - Maintaining the Faith - D.M. Lloyd-Jones 8/18/2009 - 'But I am poor and needy.......' 8/11/2009 - Draw nigh to God 8/7/2009 - Are you trusting in God's ways or man's? 8/3/2009 - Believing without seeing 7/27/2009 - Streams in the Desert 7/25/2009 - Epidemics (swine flu) 7/19/2009 - Unsearchable Riches - Spurgeon 7/17/2009 - Are You earnestly contending for the... 7/13/2009 - The Song to Jesus - Robert M McCheyne 7/10/2009 - Streams in the Desert 7/5/2009 - Hell A Reality - W P Nicholson 6/28/2009 - The Believer's Joy cont - R.M. McCheyne 6/26/2009 - The Believer's Joy in God - McCheyne 6/21/2009 - Pray for Love 6/18/2009 - Repentance and forgiveness of sin -... 6/14/2009 - The Want Of Power To Believe- Horatius... 6/11/2009 - Daily Burdens - Andrew A Bonar 6/6/2009 - A CALL TO PRAYER - J.C. RYLE 6/6/2009 - A CALL TO PRAYER - J.C. RYLE 6/2/2009 - The Goodness of God - A.W. Pink 5/29/2009 - CHARITY (LOVE) - William Cowper 5/25/2009 - Great is thy faithfulness- Hudson... 5/21/2009 - THE KINGS HIGHWAY - C.H. SPURGEON 5/18/2009 - Great is thy faithfulness - Hudson... 5/13/2009 - With whom we have to do - F.R. Havergal 5/8/2009 - I lay my sins on Jesus - H. Bonar 5/5/2009 - SPRING - Extract from Olney Hymn bk -... 4/30/2009 - The Saving Work of the Holy Spirit -... 4/27/2009 - The Love of God to Us - A.W. Pink 4/22/2009 - REPENTANCE - A.W. PINK 4/18/2009 - He Dines with us - F.R. Havergal 4/14/2009 - DAILY BURDENS - Andrew A Bonar 4/10/2009 - THE BLOOD-SHEDDING (C.H Spurgeon) 4/5/2009 - The Patience of Jesus - J.C. Ryle 3/31/2009 - THE EVANGELICAL DOCTRINE OF LAW 3/27/2009 - THE FIRST SAYING OF CHRIST ON... 3/23/2009 - THE BEST THINGS WORK FOR GOOD... 3/19/2009 - SICKNESS - J.C. RYLE 3/19/2009 - SICKNESS - A.W. PINK 3/15/2009 - The Contrite Heart - From Olney Hymn...