Dear Praying Friends:We have especially appreciated your prayers over these last two weeks, when we have gone through some very difficult times in the church. However, the Lord is showing Himself strong, and we count on your continued prayers.
It had become apparent that there was a substantial resistence to the choice of the new senior pastor. One young preacher apparently had the idea that he should be my assistant for a few years and then take over as senior pastor when I leave Suriname. He convinced another preacher and a very substantial group of people that he was the right choice. He may have even convinced them that he was promised the position, which is not true. He is a capable young individual, but has clashed consistently with authority. When he failed to get chosen, he nearly split the church. Perhaps in frustration, in a meeting of the entire leadership of four churches, he publically accused me of misleading the church, deliberate deception, and preaching at people rather than talking with them. He also attacked the head of the leadership of the main church as well as the entire leadership in the same way. These allegations are not true, and were rejected by the leadership.
I was so shocked that I was numb and speechless. However, this outburst revealed his motives in a way that all could see. The leadership removed him from all functions, and he decided to leave the church. One other family I know has followed him out. However, our greater concern was his family and that of his wife, who had been influenced to take his side. The mothers of the two families have come clearly behind the leadership and basically forced him to apologize to me. So we are praying for all concerned. We pray that the Lord would open the young man's eyes so that he would be usable somewhere in the future. We pray that the other families involved to stay firm in the faith and get behind the new pastor and leadership. We pray for healing of many hurts and for true unity in the church.
As many may remember, we prayed for a week about the choice of the pastor. Many had serious questions about our recommendation. However, they and we are increasingly convinced that this is God's choice for leading the church at this time. Kalow has been under a lot of pressure but is continuing strong. God is answering our prayers; please pray with us.
We have been growing in recent months, seeing folks saved and baptized, and recently added a bus. I remind myself that we fight not with flesh and blood but against the powers of evil. That is where the real battle needs to be won. Pray also for all the leadership, that we keep our eyes on the Lord, and seek to serve our people in the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that no root of bitterness will arise or remain.
Pseudo-puppies: On a lighter side - sometimes dogs will have a pseudo-pregnancy. We decided to see if our female Frisky would get pregnant although she had had shots to prevent that for her entire life. After mating, 6 weeks later we took her to the vet, who felt that she had a pseudo-pregnancy. Last Monday, as I came out of the house for my early morning walk, there was Frisky with three small puppies. Caleb promptly labeled them pseudo-puppies. They are now in Moengo. Abigail and Priscilla will care for them and sell them - a bit of additional cash toward future college expenses.
Sunny Point: This week we paid half of the expenses of the property for the church as a down-payment. We hope to complete the payment late next week. The church is excited, and planning on cleaning up the area, which is bush at present. They have already sketched out a plan for the building, and will have an architect draw up plans very soon. Finances are a problem. Most of the ladies in the church are cleaning houses or other unskilled low paying work. They barely survive meeting their family needs. Most of the men do not have well-paying jobs, and are struggling to meet their family needs.
They have promised to do all the labor themselves, and have the necessary skills (except in plumbing - we will need a plumber to help). I am trying to help set up a loan fund to enable them to purchase materials. Our plan is to set things up in such a way that the funds would be gradually paid off and be available to other church projects in the future. Please join us in prayer as we seek both necessary funds and the make proper financial arrangements. If you are interested to participate personally, you could send funds to Baptist World Mission earmarked for the Sunny Point building project.
Prayer requests:
- Our spiritual growth
- Strength and health - we've had a number of late or sleepless nights lately
- Wisdom as I adjust to a more advisory role for the churches
- Safety especially driving
- Healing and unity at the main church
- Continued growth at the main church as well as the three side churches
- The new senior pastor, Kalow Palata, and leadership of the main church
- Sunny Point building project
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname