Somehow I forgot to send this out last monthFURLOUGH UPDATE
As we continue in our furlough travels, we are thankful to each church that has allowed us to be part of their services these last few months. We are excited because many people have committed themselves to pray for us, and many others have renewed their promise to keep praying for us. Furlough always has its unique challenges, but we are thankful to God because He always walks with us no matter where in the world we are serving Him.
Recently we had the privilege of visiting the Bible Baptist Church in Sherbrook, Quebec to report on the new Congo ministry. It was this church that God initially led and burdened to reach into Eastern DRC with the gospel and start a church there. A large number of Congolese refugees settled in their community and while reaching out to these people, God began to burden this church to reach the Congo with the Gospel. They realized, in order to accomplish this great task they would need to partner with a church closer to the Congo. God used the tragic circumstances during the Kenyan post-election violence to bring us and the Grace Bible Baptist Church to their attention. God led and has allowed us to partner together with them to see this new ministry started in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We are so thankful for the Bible Baptist Church and for the sacrifice they have made to see the gospel taken to one of the most needy areas of the world.
The new church that has begun in the Democratic Republic of Congo continues to go forward with souls saved, new Christians baptized, and people being trained. People that have joined the church are being faithful and the community has begun to notice that there is indeed something different about the Baptists that have come from Kenya. There have been opportunities presented to take the gospel to a number of different villages and towns in outlaying regions. We are looking forward to doing this as soon as the Lord enables.
Although there are many similarities between Kenya and the Congo, there are also many differences. One of the biggest differences is the open, blatant attempts by Satan to hinder the work of God. It began on our first survey trip into the area. Pastor Marty Stephens from the Bible Baptist Church in Sherbrook, Quebec was accosted by a group of men and told in no uncertain terms that we were not wanted and if he persisted it may cost him his life. This hostility did not end there and has continued to this day. Our men have been arrested, harassed, threatened, and are being followed and closely watched. There are people openly working to get our permission to work in the country withdrawn. Most of those that are involved in doing this are the "pastors" from the other "churches" in the area. Satan must be worried and your help is needed! PLEASE PRAY!
His for Kenya,
The Mickeys