Dear Praying Friends:Light at the end of the tunnel! Last night our leadership approved the statutes provisionally. We will give the church three days further to respond, and then make a final copy to be approved on February 21st, along with the list of pastors and deacons as well as the name of the new senior pastor. We are having a meeting of the leaders of all four churches on February 20 to work out the final details.
Secondly, we are planning to turn over the senior pastor role to Kalow Palata on the following week, February 28th, assuming congregational approval of him as well as the statutes the week before.
Sunny Point special: Today Sunny Point celebrated 7 years existence with a special service in which we as a church approved Kenneth Domini as full-fledged preacher. For the first five plus years Sunny Point had another pastor, but with major problems over the last months, when the total attendance dwindled down to eight. Today I estimated well over 100 for the celebration. We asked the senior pastors of the other three churches to attend. Special music was present, I preached a brief charge to both the pastor and congregation, and of course, the ladies had some food afterwards.
At present, we are focusing on what we can do to purchase land for a church building in Sunny Point II, an area adjacent to the present lean-to structure, which is currently unreached and rapidly expanding. The lady whose back yard we have basically taken over has been very gracious, but it would be preferable for the church to have its own property.
Prayer: We have tried to bathe the church with prayer this last week. We began a night of prayer from 10 pm to 3:30 AM, followed by sermons dealing with coming to the Lord to cleanse us from sins both in the morning and evening service last Sunday. Then we had prayer meetings approximately 3 hours long throughout the week, ending Saturday night. Our focus has been on unity and purity within the church, and especially in the leadership during this transition time. Join us praying that the Lord will work in our lives.
Child dedication: Last week Ezekiel Kwelling was dedicated to the Lord. His mother was told by the witchdoctor that she would never bear a living child. God answered our prayers, and closed the mouths of some heathen family. This week we dedicated a child at Sunny Point. Their last child suddenly died at 5 months and was not delivered for several weeks. This occurred at the time of my heart attack and medical evacuation over four years ago. The couple now have a lovely little girl.
Prayer requests:
- Strength and health for the work here
- Our spiritual growth and walking in the Spirit
- Safety driving, etc.
- Independence of the four churches
- Unity in the leadership and members of the churches
- Continued blessing in the Bible Institutes, radio & TV ministries
- Sunny Point building project
- Our schedule during mini-furlough in the USA - we had several meetings scheduled this week
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname