December 27, 2009
Of Princeton, New Jersey
Matthew 7: 21: Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ, 08553
Sunday 10 AM Bible Class
11 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service
7 Birch Street
Pennington, New Jersey, 08534
Phone: 615-513-4464
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The Language of Son
Joe Terrell is pastor of Grace Community Church in Rock Valley, Iowa
Have you ever noticed that the more important a message is, the more difficult it is to put it in words that cannot be misunderstood? If we want to express our love we usually find that there are simply no words to convey our feeling. We may pore over a huge rack full of cards hoping that someone else has found a way to express the way we feel; but we must usually "settle" for some card that may come close, but really doesn't quite get it.
If we want to enter into a very important contract with someone, we hire a lawyer to write it, hoping that he will be able to put the right words together that cannot be twisted to mean something other than what we intended. But, to my knowledge, such a contract has never been written.
Preachers and other theologians try to learn the original languages of Scripture, hoping that such knowledge will sharpen their understanding of the truth - as though God does not know how to speak English, and modern English at that!
But, God did not confine His message to words. Even though He did commit His message to words, the full expression of His message was given in a way that transcends words. When He would tell us what He is, and show us His true nature, He sends His Son. This word cannot be found in the lexicon of any language. The wisest men are confused by it, yet some of the most simple-minded grasp it with ease. It is a language only the Father can speak, and only His children can hear: It is the Language of Son. Bundled in Bethlehem's manger is God's message. Hanging on Calvary's tree is God's testimony. Seated on Heaven's throne is God's declaration.
Long after the voices of prophets and preachers have died out, this Word shall still be spoken. Oh, May God speak it to us today! And may he give us ears to hear!
Isaiah 7: 14: The Lord himself shall give you a sign...
Why does the LORD tell Ahaz to ask for a sign but then rebuke the Pharisees for asking a sign? It is because THE Sign is the Way, the Truth and the Life, Christ Jesus himself. The problem in Ahaz and in the Pharisees is the same with all men. Every man seeks after a sign other than the one Sign, Jesus Christ the Son of God. Yet, this is the first word of grace concerning the salvation of God's people. Though all God's elect are, by nature, dead, pious, self-righteous haters of God like Ahaz, the Lord himself still gave the Sign, his only begotten Son to save us from our sins (I John 4: 9, 10.)
Isaiah 7: 14: Behold, a virgin shall conceive
The man, Christ Jesus, is God the Son, all God and all Man (Gen 3: 15; Jer 31: 22.) Jesus was conceived in the virgin of God the Holy Ghost (Mat 1: 18, 20.) Three things are declared here: first, every child born in natural generation is sin by corrupt seed and therefore comes forth sinning (Ps 51:5, 6; 58:3.) Secondly, Jesus is holy from conception, in nature, in thought, word and deed, the spotless Lamb of God. By his one offering, He made satisfaction for the sin of his people. (Luke 1: 35; Ps 40: 8; Is 7: 15; Heb 10: 5-7, 9, 10.) Thirdly, God was in Christ in the person of his Son, reconciling his people unto himself. God is just and THE JUSTIFIER of all who believe (Rom 3: 26; 2 Cor 5: 19-21.)
Isaiah 7: 14: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, AND [Behold, a virgin shall] bear [GIVE BIRTH] to a son...
Israel's firstborn sons were not slain that night in Egypt because, in type, God gave his Firstborn Son, the Passover Lamb, who died in their place, redeeming them out of the house of bondage. God would have his Son, his Lamb, declared throughout their generations through the observance of the Passover and the sanctifying of all the firstborn that opened the womb among the children of Israel (Ex 13: 1, 2, 14-16.)
No child ever truly opened the womb. The womb is opened at conception, not at birth. BUT THE FIRSTBORN SON OF GOD DID! The honor and blessing of the Firstborn belongs to Christ Jesus(Genesis 49: 3, 8-12; Compare with Colossians 1: 15, 18, 19.) He shall be great (Elder), and shall be called the Son of the Highest (the Firstborn) and the Lord shall give unto him (the inheritance) the throne of his father David (Luke 1: 32, 33; Isaiah 9: 6, 7.) He that spared not his own Firstborn, but delivered him up for all his chosen sons, how will he not with his Firstborn, also freely give all to his sons? (Romans 8: 32, 17, Col 1: 12.)
Isaiah 7: 14:...and [thou O virgin] shall call his name Immanuel.
Those whom God saves by his grace are his virgins: pure, washed, called, kept, preserved, shall be presented to himself glorious without spot or wrinkle. Find out how Mary was brought to call his name Immanuel, and you will find out how all "they" truly call him, Immanuel. God chose her. God gave his Son for her. God gave her spiritual life making her to behold the one in her womb was God her Savior, the Firstborn, the Lamb of God. God made her willing to worship him. (Luke 1: 46-55.)
The law of the firstborn called for the parents to come before the high priest, to declare the infant their firstborn, and to redeem him with the pure shekel of the sanctuary. It was a time to offer a sacrifice for sin. By faith in Christ, with the Holy Infant in her arms Mary came to God in her High Priest. Though she appeared to come with only two turtle doves, she came with the Lamb of God. She presented to God the Firstborn, the Pure Shekel of the sanctuary by which she was redeemed. And though by natural appearance she seemed poor, she was heir of All. So it is with all who come to God through faith in his Son, Christ Jesus the Lord.
We are trying something a little different from what you are accustomed to receiving. Clicking on the titles of the sermons below will take you to our website. You will arrive at a page with the written notes for these sermons. When you get to the website simply click on "listen" at the top of the page for the audio. We have provided options for your download capabilities such as 32 bites per second or 128 (CD quality.) We hope it is easy and a help to you. Also, we are attempting to provide daily articles, in case you want to bookmark our webpage while you are there.
The Sign
The Meek
They Shall Obtain
Fullness of Peacemaking
Grace that Reigns
The Double Minded Man
Christ in the Manger, Year after Year after . . .
Hope in the Impossible
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