Greetings in Jesus' Name from Herrieden, Germany, I'm Praising The Lord that I'm still able to serve Him. You see, the 10th of August was one year since my "life changing" bike accident. It's amazing how much that accident, though not taking my life, has changed me. I am probably somewhere around 90% recovered physically, and it may yet get a little better. My mental problems are a bit different, as that's the third concussion that I have had, and my thinking is not quite so sharp, or quick. Studying was a very major chore for several months , but that is much better now too. I still desire your prayers for those things. My skull was cracked and my jaw was broken, and due to my facial injuries I now have a beard. Healing goes more slowly now ya know, as Linda and I both have just passed our 60th birthdays. Wow, I never though that would happen, so Praise The Lord that he still allows us to serve Him!
It's been about four weeks now that I have been very sick with a chest cold, then bronchitis, and still a lingering cough and dizziness. The doctor's care, has included different types of antibiotics, and inhalers, and still it's not gone completely, so I really covet your prayers for that too. Once again I Praise The Lord for allowing me to continue in His service.
For the summer, many of the military departed in the May/June time frame for vacations or PCS (change of duty stations). Still, we had a very successful FBS (Family Bible School) hosted by Evangelist Bobby Brown and his dear wife Gretchen. It wasn't as well attended as the past two, but still there were seven children who raised their hands wanting to be saved. Just after the FBS I resigned from the Berean Baptist Church, in Ansbach feeling that my work for The Lord was finished at that location. The church has already acquired a new pastor.
After much prayer, and with advisement from BIMI, we feel it's The Lord's desire that we continue here in Europe with an eye to building another church. Recently, I have been preaching here in several different locations, such as Stuttgart, Mannheim, Hohenfels, Schweinfurt, and Nurnberg, and we are to be in Herchies, Belgium too. Last week in Schweinfurt a young soldier received Christ as Savior during the Sunday morning service, and he deployed to Iraq just three days later. We are presently looking southwards towards Camp Darby, Italy where there is no church at all. But, it may be that a ministry in Nurnberg is developing as well. Please pray for God's perfect guidance, and direction in this next phase of our ministry.
Near the end of November, Linda and I are returning to the States for a few months furlough. I hope to visit with my family for the Thanksgiving Holiday (my son Joshua has just been stationed at Camp Lejeune from 29 Palms, California and plans to take leave then as well). If you would like to have us - especially for mission conferences - contact us ASAP at the email, address, or phone numbers above. Please pray for our schedule. And, we truly Praise Jesus Christ for allowing us to have this furlough. Please pray for us concerning these three things especially, 1. Health, VA - Agent Orange, and more 2. Ministry Direction 3. Furlough Schedule In Christ's Service, Chuck and Linda Truitt |