Baptism blesssing: Most members of the Evangelical Broeder's Gemeente are both unsaved and very loyal to their church. I born EBG and I will die EBG. As you would expect, they practice infant baptism. They also have a false rumor that if you have been "baptized" (meaning infant baptism usually) and are re-baptized, you will go crazy. Nearly 20 years ago, Liz encountered 3 small girls who started attending our Bible clubs. Brenda Browning, one of our missionaries here, took them under wing as teenagers, training them as Sunday school workers and Bible club helpers. As the girls grew older, the oldest married one of our young preachers. Her mother finally agreed to her baptism just before her marriage. The second girl also married another of our young preachers, and she was allowed to be baptized only within the last few weeks of marriage. The third young girl also married one of our preachers. She was allowed to get baptized substantially before marriage. Their younger brother also became one of our young preachers, and ha been baptized without problems. The youngest in the family, another brother, has also been baptized and is a faithful and involved young man in the church. However, the mother was unsaved, and came occasionally to services. However over the last year, she has been much more faithful, made a profession of faith and showed evidence of the new birth in her life. Her son who is the preacher is to be married this coming Saturday. However, about 2 weeks ago she told me that she wanted to be baptized herself. It was a thrill to see her own son baptize her last Sunday. The older two girls husbands are now preachers at other churches in the city, but one was able to come with his wife and family to witness the baptism. We are praying more fervently for the father, who is now the only unsaved member of the family. We were pleased to have two others join the mother in baptism.
Prompt answer to prayer: Last week, we asked you to pray for housing for the young preacher being married this Saturday. He had arranged to take over the apartment of his brother-in-law at the completion of their house. However, it seemed that the landlady was making all sorts of excuses to delay turning over the apartment. It finally became clear that she had no intention of doing so. We asked for prayer on Thursday. Friday, a co-worker mentioned that she had just moved. The young man was able to secure the apartment; his future wife cleaned it on the weekend, and yesterday they were able to move their things inside. He is sleeping there with his future wife's brother and nephew this week until the marriage. They are delighted - more room available, and the apartment is located not too far from the church. The other apartment was on the other side of Paramaribo.
Preparing for the USA: We are busy making final arrangements for going to the USA. I was delighted to be able to finish the Sranantongo commentary on the New Testament, and that is already in the hands of Liz's sister, who will set up the formatting. We have been meeting with the necessary people who will be taking over for us during our absence. Liz has been making the financial arrangements necessary, arranging for lessons for students studying via correspondence, arranging for caring for the house and our watchdogs, etc.
Prayer requests:
Strength and health for the work, especially these busy weeks
Our spiritual growth
Travel mercies - safety, luggage arriving, etc.
Wedding this Saturday night - Kenneth Pinas and Ricarda Ajeremi
Continued progress in the work here in our absence
God's hands on the leadership who will be continuing the work
In Him and Content: Bob and Liz Patton Missionaries to Suriname