June 28, 2009
Of Princeton, New Jersey
Matthew 5: 8: Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ, 08553
Phone: 615-513-4464
Sunday 10 AM Bible Class
11 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service
Matthew 5: 7: Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
The merciful are those who are "mercy full." They are those who have been filled with mercy from God.
The merciful do not show mercy in order to earn mercy from God. Instead, they have been born of the Spirit of God to behold what great mercy God has shown them in Christ Jesus (Col 3: 12, 13.) They know that God had a just quarrel against them. They had sinned against God. And worst of all, when he sent forth his Son to redeem them, they nailed the Prince of life to the cursed tree.
Yet, how amazing! When Christ was made sin for them, even in the midst of laying down his life to pay the penalty which they deserved, their High Priest made intercession to God for them (Lk 23:34.) Therefore, for the sake of Christ, God has forgiven them (Eph 4: 32.)
Sinners who by grace have been made to know their just due and yet have received this great mercy from God for Christ sake, are the only ones in this world who know what true happiness really is.
Those who are born of the Spirit of God are recipients of great mercy. God delights in mercy (Mi 7: 18.) Therefore those to whom he has given his Spirit partake with him in delighting to show mercy (I Jn 4: 10-13; Mt 18: 21-34.) The merciful are not keeping track of their acts of compassion as to consciously account for how often they have or have not been merciful to others. In fact, the merciful holds God's mercy toward them in such preeminent regard until any mercy shown to others by them goes unnoticed. (Mt 25: 37-39.) The merciful are simply created with a spirit which bears the image of their Father whose compassions never fail (I Jn 3: 14-19.)
We get the true spirit of mercy and of mercy's assurance when we read a scripture such as Proverbs 19: 17: He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.
The merciful know that all they are, and all that they possess, is entirely from the hand of Mercy. They know that there is no end to his mercy toward them for Christ's sake. The believer has the assurance that he will in no way suffer loss though he show the greatest mercy to those on whom he has pity. We see this in our Lord Jesus Christ and the LORD's faithfulness toward him.
Christ, our merciful and faithful High Priest had pity on sinners. He gave his life for them in order to pay to God what his poor people could not. He made reconciliation for the sins of the people by giving his life unto death (Heb 8: 12.) But make sure you realize that as he gave his life for the poor, Christ was giving his life unto the LORD in full assurance of sure mercies, that the Father would not leave his soul in hell. The LORD manifest the certainty that he will never betray the trust of his servants, and that his mercies are sure toward them, when he raised Christ Jesus from the dead (I Pe 1: 3-5.)
Mark this: the merciful will actually provide for the poor. But the thing that makes true mercy is when mercy is shown with the complete confidence that our care is in the hands of our heavenly Father. That is what it is to lend unto the LORD; that is what it is to be truly merciful.
How does the LORD pay the merciful again? Seeing that they have such an High Priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, those who have been made merciful are fully assured that they have liberty to approach the throne of God's grace where they shall obtain continual, never-ending, new mercies (Heb 4: 15, 16; Ps 18: 25.) This is the Origin of their mercy, the Supply of their mercy, the Strength of the merciful and the reason they show mercy with cheerfulness. Happy are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Charles Spurgeon
We have seen the sea, some of us hundreds of times, and what an abiding sameness there is in its deep green surface, but who ever called the sea monotonous? Traveling over it as the mariner does, sometimes by the year together; there is always freshness in the undulation of the waves, the whiteness of the foam of the breaker, the curl of the crested billow, and the frolicsome pursuit of every weave by its long train of brothers.
Which of us have ever complained that the sun gave us but little variety: that at morn he yoked the same steeds, and flashed from his car the same golden glory, climbed with the dull uniformity the summit of the skies, then drove his chariot downward, and bade his flaming coursers steep their burning fetlocks in the western deep?
Who among us has complained of the monotony of the bread that we eat? We eat it today, tomorrow, the next day; we have eaten it for years that are passed, and though we have other savory matters therewith, yet still the one unvarying food is served upon the table, and the bread remains the staff of life.
Surely I know that as Christ is your food and your spiritual bread; as Christ is your sun, your heavenly light; as Christ is the sea of love in which your passions swim, and all your joys are found, it is not possible that you as Christians should complain of a monotony in Him, "He is the same yesterday, and today and forever" and yet He has the dew of His youth. He is the manna in the golden pot which was always the same, but He is the manna which came from heaven which was every morning new. He is the rod of Moses which was dry, and changed not its shape, but He is also to us the rod of Aaron which buds and blossoms and brings forth almonds.
I come then now to preach Christ crucified...
God Giveth to All
The Merciful
The Temple of the Sovereign God
The Price of a Worm
Clean or Unclean?
Christ in You the Hope of Glory
Shut Up! Just Holy Your Peace
Listen to the Whole Message
For What Do You Search the Scriptures?
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Of Princeton, New Jersey
July 24-27, 2009.
The guest speakers will be Pastor Don Fortner from Grace Baptist Church in Danville, KY and Pastor Marvin Stalnaker from Katy Baptist Church in Fairmont, WV.
Pennington Fire Co Banquet Hall, 2 Broemel Place, Pennington, NJ, 08534 (Across from the post office. Please park in the lot behind the Firehouse.)
Times for Services
Friday, 7:00pm Clay Curtis; 8:00 pm Don Fortner
Saturday, 10:00am Don Fortner; 11: 00 am Marvin Stalnaker
Sunday, 10:00 am Clay Curtis (Bible Class); 11 am Marvin Stalnaker
Refreshments and light snacks will be served after the service on Friday night. Lunch will be served after the services on Saturday and Sunday.
Nearby Hotels
Courtyard by Marriott, (609) 771-8100, 360 Scotch Road, Ewing, NJ, 08628
Comfort Inn, Tel, (609)-866-3700, 3270 US Route 1 North, Lawrenceville, NJ, US, 08648
For more information contact
Clay Curtis
(615) 513-4464