Acts 17: 24
We see in the Athenians the natural thoughts of man if God leaves us to ourselves. Those to whom Paul preached set themselves up as if they were their own creator. They imagined that they were the benefactors toward God. These were men and women who lived as if everything was made for their glory, for their happiness, for their recreation.
We find these same thoughts in our day, even among many who claim to be worshipping Christ. Most are nothing more than would-be gods. Multitudes speak as if it is man who is benefiting God, gracing God, gifting God by their worship of him. We are living in the day when men are lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. They have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof.
Paul strikes this error at the very root with this beginning word with three key proclamations:
1. God is Creator of the world and all things therein. (v24; Gen 1: 1-3; Is 40: 12-28; Jer 10: 11.)
2. God is Lord of heaven and earth. (v24; Job 40: 6-14--see also chapter 38 to end; Ps 115: 2; Is 46: 5-13.)
3. God does not dwell in temples made with hands. (v24)
The errors of men concerning creation manifests the necessity that God, in the beginning must create a new spirit within the sinner, that the Spirit must move upon our void and unformed deadness, that God must say let there be light or else we will not have the Light of Christ. Without God creating spiritual life within a sinner the sinner will never be anything but void and without form.
The Athenians thought they could use their own hands to build temples for God to dwell in. This philosophy and idolatry is found in our day in many who profess to believe on Christ.
Solomon was given a charge by God to actually build a temple (2 Chr 2: 5, 6.) He asked a good question. Who is able to build the temple of God? The one who is able is God that made the world and all things therein; the Lord of heaven and earth. There is but one who builds the temple of God, Christ, the son of David, of whom Solomon was but a type.
In the beginning, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Take the time to look up the following scriptures: (Lk 1:35; He 10: 4-7; Jn 2: 18-21; He 9: 24; Colossians 2: 8-15--note that there is no use of the sinful hands of men.)
Christ Jesus alone builds the temple wherein God dwells. Take the time to look up these scriptures as well; (Gen 2: 1-3; 2 Corinthians 4: 6; 1 Peter 2: 4-6; Eph 2: 21, 22; Heb 8: 1, 2.) The Holy Spirit declares that those born of God are the temple of the living God (2 Cor 6: 14-16.) What a word is this!---your life is hid with Christ in God. Christ is in his Father, and all of those born of him are in Christ, and Christ is in you. (Jn 14: 20.) How the saints rejoice in the reality of what this means! (Ps 139: 7-16.)
Is it really all that big a deal for me to believe that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth? That he is the Lord of the heaven and earth? That he does not dwell in temples made with hands? It is a big deal to trust my all to Christ Jesus the Son of David? It is not just a big deal it is a matter of life or death. If you can it is because "God in the beginning." What matters is what God has created! (2 Cor 5:17; Gal 6:15; 2 Cor 5:1.)
God creates his holy temple. The Son of God, Christ Jesus, the Son of David, through his one offering builds God's temple. Believers are in Christ Jesus. And we are built together an habitation of God through the Spirit. Everlasting oneness between God and his children is the creation of the triune God alone.
May it be the everlasting purpose of God to make it a matter of life to you! Amen.