Every time I think the heat is here to stay I am proven wrong! Last week it was in the 80's and this week it dropped down into the 50's. I don't know what next week temperatures are going to be like but please be praying as tomorrow we start a two week VBS program. Forty-four kids have signed up to come the first week which will no doubt make the next few days a little busier than usual.
This week brought about some unexpected sorrows and blessing. The father of one of the women in the church died of kidney failure. I was happy to see this newer Christian witnessing to her father before his death and being a strong Christian testimony to her family.
At the same time another missionary family, that is here, had a daughter fall critically ill. We watched as God took care of everything and even provided the advice of a Doctor from the Mayo Clinic who was visiting Mongolia on vacation. The 4 year old girl received a life saving surgery and is now recovering in the U.S.
We watched this week as God took care of His people and I was reminded of what a blessing it is to be serving our Lord.