Dear Praying Friends:When we had our 50th anniversary, we had three goals. First, that the Lord would be glorified in the anniversary. Second, that we would be able to celebrate with joy with our people. Third, that our marriage would be a challenge and encouragement to our people. God answered all three prayers.
Marriage seminar: Yesterday our own people organized a marriage seminar from 5 pm to 9 pm. We began with a handicap. As we drove to church, the street to the church was completely blocked. The road is being torn up and repaired. We drove around the entire area and parked elsewhere. The first part of the seminar was with three speakers. The first two speakers were preachers from two of our churches, Winston Zeeman and Kenneth Domini, who spoke on the customs of the Bush Negros formerly and now, and compared them with what the Bible says. I was the third speaker, and spoke briefly on Western culture and how it has changed over the last 50 years. I showed how the culture of the west today is often in great conflict with what the Bible teaches in terms of the roles of man and woman, the commitment to marriage, raising children, etc.
Our goal has always been and still is to reorient our marriage customs to fit with Biblical truth. This is particularly complex in Bush Negro society. First, it is a matriarchial society - family lines including inheritance and responsibilities, pass through the woman's side of the family. Thus the husband is sidelined in many ways, and children often relate to the mother's brother more than the father. If there is a "divorce", the woman returns to her family with the children, and the man's family divide all the man's goods, leaving the woman without support. There are many other customs. However, as the culture has become modern, some of the good ways of the old culture are under attack. Immorality is far worse than before. Respect for the adults is often not present. Children are often on their own, and do whatever they want.
In addition, the old ways were completely tied with witchcraft. Before a cultural marriage, whiskey is poured out to the dead ancestors, who are informed of the marriage. Many of the rites of passage - becoming a real man or woman - are tied to witchcraft, as is birth. So our people have much to contend with. Not only is there a clash between the "old" and "new" ways, but also between the believers and the unbelievers in the family. I am so proud that our people are actually willing to look at these issues more seriously now with the goal of applying what the Bible teaches - a step that I suspect many in the USA will not take as our own Western culture becomes increasingly heathen.
Virtually all our serious young people plan to have a "lanti trow" (government wedding). A number of older individuals also are getting legally married through the government. We strongly encourage this, which gives stability to the marriage and protects the wife in particular. Many of the heathen do not want their family to marry legally, as they lose power and also the inheritance from the husband.
We finished with a DVD which illustrated many of the points that were already made. I was concerned that many would not understand because it was in English. That was an unnecessary concern. So many watch TV in English that they really followed well. I believe that we need a more detailed seminar in the future to address many of the issues involved. At any rate, the seminar exceeded my expectations. We estimated about 130 or so teenagers and adults in attendance.
Special prayer requests:
Some may remember about 4 ½ years ago, a young lady was in process of setting up her marriage when she received a package from Holland. She thought it was a wedding present. Instead, it was hashish which a family member tried to smuggle to her brother. She was arrested and held for a few weeks hoping to catch the guilty party. Fortunately she was released without charges against her and the wedding went on without problems.
However, we found out later that an old man done witchcraft to her for reasons unknown. He told the family that she would never bear a child. And indeed she did not become pregnant. Later investigation found a problem in her fallopian tubes. One tube was successfully opened, and she became pregnant. I was so excited for her. But at three months, she lost that pregnancy. She is now four months pregnant again. Our prayer team has set up a special schedule of fasting and prayer on a regular basis until her delivery. Would you join us in prayer for her? "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places": Ephesians 6:12 I can assure you that her entire heathen family is watching to see the outcome.
Other news: We are approaching the end of the school year here, as well as completing the two Bible Institutes over the next few weeks. We are excited about a wedding between one of our young pastors, Kenneth Pinas, and Ricarda Ajeremi, a fine young lady in the church. Liz is busy starting to arrange for financial coverage of the ministries when we are in the USA.
Prayer requests:
- Our own spiritual growth
- Our health and strength for the tasks, and knowing proper priorities of what to do
- Souls saved and discipled
- Independence of the churches
- Spiritual growth in our churches
In Him and Content:
Bob and Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname