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Patton Prayer Update
SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2009
Posted by: Fairhaven Baptist Church and College | more..
3,920+ views | 280+ clicks
Dear Praying Friends:

The big day: Last night, Liz and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary at our church. I did very little of the work except to show up. Liz did a number of things at home with the family. Kim and Ethan were up at 4:00 am to come to the city with the entire family. They had several things which they needed to take care of before the service.

The actual service began about 7 pm until 9:30 and then a reception followed. By 10:30 most people were headed home. There was quite a bit of congregational singing (I was able to choose some of my favorites a few weeks ago). There were several special songs by individuals or groups. Caleb Champlin (our grandson) played two specials on the piano. Ethan, our son-in-law, preached an excellent sermon on the family and wove in a salvation invitation as well. His total command of Sranantongo makes it a joy for our people to listen to him. He was born and raised here in Suriname. He also understands the culture very well, and made a number of telling observations which the entire congregation clearly understood even as they were laughing with him. Liz and I renewed our vows before the congregation as well. I had translated basic vows into Sranantongo a number of years ago. In 1959 at age 21, I would not have dreamed that I would be repeating our vows in Sranantongo fifty years later.

All in all, it was a wonderful time. Three ladies from the church called us forward and put traditional dress on us - especially focusing on Liz. The Bush Negroes have a cultural custom to give a "pangi" (a sort of wrap around skirt, often decorated) to a young woman when she is ready for marriage. Usually it is an aunt of the girl who does so. So it was interesting to do this at a 50th wedding anniversary. The four churches gave us a lovely crystal plaque with our names and the wedding date inscribed, with the names of all four churches. Everyone had a bit of cake and other snack food and soft drinks before heading home. Our people showed real love - which we feel for them too.

When we arrived home, we had another big surprise. As we went into our bedroom, the bed was covered with a beautiful quilt which Kim had made. The theme was from 1 Corinthians 13 with the characteristics of love placed there. Also a good friend from the USA had made a very unique wall hanging of cloth with pictures of our family. We were thrilled and touched. It was a work of love and will be cherished as a family heirloom.

We have also received a number of personal notes and gifts from family, friends and churches. Thank you so much. We used some to arrange a video to be taken last night. We hope that it will give little insight into the ministry here as well as bring back fond memories.

God opens doors to hearts: We try to remember to be soul-sensitive regardless of circumstances. We were called into a family situation for counseling. While there, we met the wife of a young man from the family. It was really not appropriate to talk with her in what was a very emotionally laden situation, but two days later, we were able to go back and see her pray to receive Christ. Her husband has heard the gospel and prayed before. But as we were about to leave, he asked me to speak more with him about the Lord.

He had not seemed really serious about serving the Lord, and works seeking gold in the interior. His hair is in dreadlocks, which here is often a sign that the man is Rastiferian (a cult common in the Caribbean), though he denied that he was. He prayed again to receive the Lord after very careful explanation. It is difficult to know what really transpires here sometimes. Some will pray just because they think that this will please you, and they do not understand. We try to be very clear, but there are language and cultural factors which sometimes play a role. We do pray that he will show real growth now in the Lord.

Bible Institute: I have really enjoyed working on the Advanced Bible Institute. We just began Module 3, and will be focusing on Christian growth, and especially the spirit filled walk. The material is not new to our people. But it seems that we may not be spiritually ready to hear and apply Biblical truth. I will be preaching on the same subject after seeing positive response from the students.

We Bible believers trust the Lord totally for salvation from the penalty of sin in our lives, and also for eventually living free from sin in heaven. But what about the power to live an overcoming life in the very presence of sin around us here on earth? It is so exciting that our salvation is complete and that we have all things in Christ. So I will be trying my best to show that to our people tomorrow again by word - but also will be lived out in my life. I would cherish your prayers to that end.

Prayer requests:

  1. Continued health and strength for the work
  2. Our spiritual growth in Him - that He will be our life
  3. Growth in the churches - souls saved and discipled
  4. Independence of the churches
  5. Bible Institutes - understanding and life-changing effects

In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname

Category:  Pattons in Suriname

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