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Campaign Results
TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2009
Posted by: Fairhaven Baptist Church and College | more..
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Dear Praying Friends,

This spring push has been about the best ever. We have seen God move in ways we have never seen before. One of the major blessings was to have a new family come to our churches that has already seen souls saved and brought to the church.

A couple Sundays before Kid's day; Gerardo, his wife and his two daughters-in-law attended the church. The next Sunday, Gerardo' son Gernaro came. Genaro and Nancy, his wife have eaten up every thing that was been preached. The second Sunday Nancy came, I preached on soulwinning and the next day she led her father and nephew, Jesus, to the Lord. That was the beginning of many souls saved.

Geraldo, the father, has been praying for a long time for the salvation of his neighbors and friends. A couple of weeks after attending our church, a neighbor and drug addict, Angel and his parents and brother came to the house asking about the Lord and were saved. I spoke to Angel and I could tell that he had been saved. He prayed the day he was saved that his wife that he hadn't seen in months would get back with him and she called that day about that very thing. He and his brother have started to read the Bible and Angel said her hadn't felt the withdraw symptoms he usually felt when he doesn't take drugs. He said that "that prayer" (to except the Lord) had done him better than all the rehabilitation meetings he had gone to.

Another man, Guillermo also came to Geraldo's house asking about the Lord and he, too, was saved and two weeks ago was baptized along with Gerardo, Gerardo's wife, Guillermina, Genaro, and Nancy. Guillermo continues to attend church.

Besides those mentioned above, two others on Gerardo's street have been saved. It just so happens that our soulwinning program had led us to knock Gerardo's street and two of his neighbors have been saved, including Hector, a drug addict who has come out to church twice since then. Another neighbor, Martin, has been coming to all the services since two weeks ago.

Also, just two weeks ago, Guillermina visited her sister, who before was hard to the gospel as well as her husband. They had been going through some problems lately and were open to the gospel and also accepted the Lord.

Genaro is a taxi driver and the other day he led one of his passengers to the Lord. They stopped the car at the passenger's destination and they continued speaking until the passenger trusted Christ.

A few Thursdays ago I taught on women and pants and both Guillermina and Nancy have put away their pants and where only dresses. Nancy put away those of her daughters' pants as well. She told her husband, "If we are to follow God, we need to follow Him all the way."

Gerardo's other two sons, Alberto and Victor, who was away from the Lord, have also been attending lately with their unsaved wives.

Another blessing this campaign was the salvation of Salvador Aguirre. He runs a muffler shop and a Mexican missionary visiting with us spoke to him about the Lord. Salvador asked if the pastor could come spea k to him. He asked me about the reality of hell and I was able to witness to him and he trusted Christ. It turns out that Salvador's father is a Jew and his mother is Mexican. Pray that we can get him in church with his wife.

Speaking of Jews; Alberto asked, not a rabbi, but a Baptist preacher to counsel him about some family problems. He is getting closer and closer to getting saved, I believe. Raymundo, the guard for the building we are renting, has lately been sitting in on many of our services and even in our prayer meetings. Continue to pray for his salvation as he says he still isn't ready.

It was a joy to find out that Miriam; the girlfriend of David, a soldier of our church; has been saved. David led her to the Lord a few weeks ago. I was wondering about the change I had seen in her. She had even brought a friend to church with them. David has just been transferred to the north of Mexico, but Miriam continues to attend.

We have several new Christian families that have kept coming since Kid's Day and a couple with drug problems that retuned last week in both services. Alma made a decision to accept Christ on Kid's Day, but her husband, Humbierto, still has not. Last week was Friend day and we had 93 in church. We had people standing outside our meeting place for lack of room.

Please pray for the Polish family in front of our house. The father is one of the last Polish WWII vets. He spent years in a German prison -of-war camp. They are really good people helping many poor people that come to them in need. The father doesn't remember me: but years ago, when we started the church, I witnessed to him in his home while out soulwinning. They are very devout Catholics with many images in the home and pictures of the previous popes and who was a personal friend of his.

Pray for the salvation of their son, Stanely. He is a very friendly and will do anything for you. A graduate of the U. S. Air force Academy, he was a F-15 fighter pilot in the U. S. Air Force until he had problems in his leg from the g-forces. He is very talkative about the things of God, but also very Catholic. Please pray for their salvation.

It was a long e-mail, I know, but so much has happened in so little time and I am very excited about what is going on. It is a great finish, before we head to the States for the Israel trip and our meetings in the U.S.

Thank you for your prayers,
Clint Rardin

Category:  Rardins in Mexico

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