Dear Praying Friend: Exercise soulwinning: I walk three miles briskly early each morning except Sundays. Liz usually walks two miles with me four days a week. We often meet a man riding a bike to care for an empty house and feed the guard dogs there. Last week I encouraged our people to look for all sorts of opportunities to reach the lost, so I determined after prayer to speak with him on Monday. Walking by, I called to him, and he came outside the gate and listened to my testimony and the gospel. To my surprise, he was wide open to receive the Lord and prayed to do so. A day later I gave him a Sranantongo New Testament, and spoke to him again today. He promised to visit our church tomorrow.
Today Liz and I walked together by a man working on a deep hole in a driveway where the cover of a drainage gutter had broken. Again I felt I should speak to him. So I walked home with Liz, got a New Testament and a tract, and gave it to him. He was Catholic in background, as was the first man, and also unsaved. He took the Bible, listened to my testimony and the gospel, and was not ready to make a decision, but promised to come visit the church next week. I pray that the Lord will continue to make me sensitive to those openings which He arranges. Liz has been very faithful in giving out tracts, talking with people in stores, banks, for many years.
Birthday opportunities: A widow and faithful member of the church had her 60th birthday. She is a close friend of Liz, who has counseled with her many times. Liz brought her a cake and some food, as well as a Bible. When we were to pray, she asked her son, who is unsaved, to join us. Liz had spoken to him in detail about salvation before and he "prayed" with me once before. I mentioned to the son that we as Christians have two birthdays - one when we are born physically, and one when we are born spiritually. I told him that my two daughters are actually a little older than I am (they were saved a few months before me when we were in Liberia, West Africa). Again, I mentioned that the first birth brings us on earth and gives us an earthly family, but the second birth allows us to go to heaven, and gives us a huge eternal family of brothers and sisters for ever. We then prayed for the woman, for God's blessing on her, and for her son to come into God's family. He promised to come to church - but no definite time.
Teaching ministries: The Bible Institutes are both going along, and the team which went to Ricanau Mofo a week ago indicated that a number of men there are interested in Bible lessons through the Bible Institute. I had already given Abana material but they need help using it. I believe that they will send a small delegation next week to see the lessons as well as discuss how we can help them.
This week in our advanced Bible Institute, I gave a short but very detailed outline of the theology of missions. I was really encouraged by one student who is now praying that the Lord will enable her to be more effective in soulwinning.
Distribution of discipleship materials: Br. Steve Guiamo, head of the Baptist bookstore, is interested in selling a number of our Sranantongo materials. We would be delighted to see them reach more people.
Prayer requests:
- Health and strength for the work
- Our own spiritual growth
- Independence of the churches
- Continued soulwinning and discipleship
- Bible Institutes growth and effectiveness
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton