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Prayer 3.25.2009
Posted by: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church | more..
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Our Father is Heaven, you have changed our lives. We find in ourselves a zeal for You, for Your Word, and for the glory of Your Name. The Spirit of God has taken hold of us and will not let us go. Lord, the zeal for Thy house consumes us. We cannot rest until we see the Kingdom of God among us in all of its power and glory. Jesus deserves all the praise and honor and glory of every man, woman, and child on this earth. Let the rocks cry out. Let the thunder crack with loud noises. Let the earth shake. Let the voices of man give shout with praise unto the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord, there is such a tension in us between what is and what should be, sometimes it causes us great distress. When we read Your word, we see what should be. When we look at ourselves, we see what should not be. Lord, the flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh. That is our own personal battle. We read in Your word about the Church and we see in thy word what the Church should be. We look at the Church and we can easily see that it is not what it should be. Lord, bless Your Church. Lord, when we read Thy word, we see what the state should be. And yet when we hear the news, watch our leaders, see the decay in our country, we see what ought not to be. When we look at Your word, we see the functions of the family, the Church, and the State. We see the limitations on each of them. We see that when they each work within the parameters You have ordained for them, then men can know freedom. We know that only You are the Sovereign lawgiver. We know that only You have the authority to define what is right and what is wrong. We know that a nation that honors the Lord will be blessed. Yet, when we see how the nations of the world gather together and collaborate against Your Anointed, we are saddened. We are fearful for the day when the You will judge the earth. Lord, come quickly - come quickly and change us. Lord we pray for revival and may it begin with us here in this Church.

Lord, give us faith and give us peace. Our faith is often weak, and because of weak faith, we easily find our faith shaken. Lord, when we pray, you so very often say yes to the things we pray for. The people of God rejoice and You are praised. For this we are thankful.

Yet, Lord, it is the wise man who knows that sometimes You say No. Paul prayed three times that his thorn in the flesh might be removed and You said No. Lord, Your love for him was no less than others who were healed. You still loved him. When You say No to us, You still love us. The body is not always healed. The marriage is not always saved. The people of God do not always live in peace. Sometimes there is such a sharp disagreement, that two can no longer walk together. Sometimes the child in the womb is taken from us before its birth. Sometimes, the father is taken from this earth when his children most need him. Sometimes, our house burns down. Sometimes the blind are never healed and the lame never walk. Lord, we know that You can heal all diseases and that You can take away all of our troubles. Yet, when You say No, then O Lord, we need that true and abiding faith that sustains Your elect people. Help us to submit to Your most wise and holy will. "Even though the Lord slay me, yet will I trust in Thee."

Our Father, confession is not only good for the soul, it is necessary for forgiveness. We come confessing our sins today. Who among us is without sin? Who among us can stand before a Holy God without blame? We have often given in to temptations. We have had thoughts we should not have. We have dwelled upon them too long. We have envied. We have been jealous. We have been discontented. We have considered that we could have done it all better - better than You if we had been advising You. Lord, we have broken Thy commandments in deed and in thought. Where can we flee from the wrath of God? Where can a man hide in shame?

O Lord, how much we need to hear the gospel. Jesus who was perfect in every way has taken upon himself our sin and shame. Even though we were guilty, we have been accounted righteousness. Even though we were full of shame, we can stand before You in boldness. In Christ, we are as white as snow - without blemish. We were lost, but we have been found. We were in bondage but now we are free. We were blind, but now we see. We were fools, but now we are wise.

Lord, You have done marvelous things for us and in us. We come to worship Thee today. Grant Your blessings upon Your people. In Christ's Name we pray. Amen

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