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Prayer 3.8.2009
Posted by: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church | more..
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O Lord our God, we approach Thee this morning remembering that it is only through Jesus Christ that any man can approach Thee. You are indeed a consuming fire and One like a great and ominous tempest on the seas. You dwell in unapproachable light and apart from Christ, we would die in Your presence. So, we come to You in His Name here this morning.

Lord, we can be vile and unclean. Even as Christians, the devil can lead us into sin. We can easily be trapped and conquered. We need Your constant grace. Lord, at times, we need to be rebuked. We easily grow lazy. We fail to do our duties with all our might and strength. Lord, give us friends who love us enough to reprove us. Use our brothers in Christ to make us afraid of sin, and more concerned to keep our hearts and life more pure. Lord, we see ourselves as being accounted as nothing. We are unworthy. Lord, it is really sweet to know that we are nothing and have nothing apart from Your grace, and yet it is sweet to find joy in being fed from the crumbs of Thy hand. Give us maturity in our faith that we can receive biblical admonition from others as it is true to Thy word, as being from You. Lord, destroy our pride and give us a zeal for Your honor and glory.

No day has passed by that has not proved us guilty in Thy sight. Prayers have been uttered from a prayerless heart. Praise has often been only a praiseless sound. Lord, we find every reason in us for rejection, and yet we find every reason in Christ for our acceptance. Christ was made sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Lord, we are guilty, but forgiven. We are lost, but found. We are sinners, but forgiven. We are broken but healed. We are sad, but joyful. We are overwhelmed but yet more than conquerors. Truth is incomprehensible, but yet we know the truth. Lord, we are indeed a peculiar people.

Lord, as the dark clouds hang low over our nation, revive us again. If we need to fail, let us fail. If we need to be humbled, then humble us. If we have become too arrogant, then crush our pride under You feet. But Lord, don't cast us off. Let us not become a byword for our enemies. Let not our adversaries taunt us with degrading songs. Lord, man's fall into desperation is Your opportunity for grace. As men fall to pieces, may the Church stand in the way to offer the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to a dejected creature made in Your image.

Lord, our evangelism has been shallow. Converts have been superficial. Decisions have replaced the deep cry for grace. Fun has replaced the conviction of sin. Activity has replaced searching the Scriptures. Doctrine has been rejected for entertainment. Organization has replaced the work of the Holy Spirit. The practice of management has replaced the wisdom of godly men. Oh Lord, when we think of the condition of Thy Church, we shed tears.

Lord, the Church has become irrelevant. All things that man needs to know for faith and life are either expressly set down in Scripture or by good and necessary means can be deduced from Scripture. The Scriptures speak to all of life. From the way to correct a child to the reasons for a just war, God has spoken. From the protection of the bird in its nest to the nature and creation of money the Scriptures have spoken. Thy law is everlasting. When men break Thy law they destroy themselves and everyone in their path. Lord, where is the prophet of our age?

Lord, we cry out for our nation. We cry out for our neighbors. We cry out for the Church. Lord, we are tired of the lies that pass as truth. We are tired of leaders who are unable to lead. We are tired of the faith that men put in men. We are tired of men who spend their grandchildren's money on the ungodly parasites of the modern day. The civil government was ordained to protect our borders from enemies and to regulate the justice declared by God's law. It was never given the right give away other's men's wealth and call it charity. Charity belongs to individuals and to the Church. It does not belong to the civil government. Oh Lord, deliver us from this misery. Let the grace of God pour down relief like the showers of a summer day, and let righteousness spring froth from the earth like the hot lava from a volcano. Lord, whatever discipline it takes, save us from destruction.

Lord, You have told us to ask of You and we shall have it according to Your will. Lord, how can you refuse us because we ask for that which will bring glory to You? How can You refuse us? Lord, we ask with respect, but we ask boldly with urgency. Lord, hear our prayer in Christ's Name we pray. Amen.

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