Our Father in Heaven, we come to you as Jesus taught us to pray to the Father. As Jesus prayed to the Father, so do we. Father, we confess that we need a Mediator. Who can hear the words of God and live? Who can come before Him who dwells in unapproachable light and Who no man has seen or can see?
Lord, we confess that Jesus Christ is both the Son of God and the Son of Man. We confess here with God's people that He is the only perfect Mediator between God and man. Jesus Christ, we believe, was anointed with the Holy Spirit above measure and so set apart and fully furnished with all authority and ability to execute your most holy will both in his humiliation and exaltation.
For us He was born of low esteem and in a low condition, even though He was from all eternity the Son of God. He subjected Himself to the law which He perfectly fulfilled, was rejected by the world, and suffered for our infirmities as creatures. He was forsaken by His disciples, and even once on the cross by His own Father. He was scorned, rejected, condemned and tormented. He faced the terror of death, the powers of darkness and bore the weight of God's wrath. He laid down his life as an offering for sin, enduring the painful, shameful and cursed death of the cross. He arose from the dead on the third day and declared Himself as Victor over sin and death. Lord, He is a perfect Mediator. We would not dare to be so bold to approach the throne of God without Jesus leading us all the way. What foolishness for men to think that they can approach God without faith and repentance in the Lord Jesus Christ. What ignorance and rebellion makes men think that they can approach God in any other way.
With Christ there is always an open door. Whoever comes to Him will not be rejected. You are full of compassion toward the humble and full of mercy toward the contrite of heart. Oh Lord, so we come today into Thy presence.
Lord, we believe that it is in Thy Church that we will find Thee. Men may look to the end of the rainbow. Men may ascend into the heavens. Men may dig into the depths of the earth. Yet, we know that God is as near to us as our breath. God is here today in this place by His Holy Spirit as you choose to work through Your visible church the mighty powers of God. Through very ordinary and plain means, You do Your most extraordinary work in the hearts of men. Let us look no where else but unto Thee in Thy Church as you reveal yourself in the sacraments and the word.
Our Father, we pray for the spreading of the gospel. We pray that we may see the gospel go forth in power. We pray that it may challenge the idols and gods of this world. May kings and empires bow before Thy holy Name. Lord deliver us from a pietism that does not capture Kings and Kingdoms. Deliver us from a gospel that only deals with a part of man and a part of life. Lord, You are sovereign and everything belongs to you. You wear the crown and all men and all institutions must bow before You or be destroyed. Lord, deliver us from a modern church that has preached a pitiful Christ. We have reduced Christ to that which is equal to a bumper sticker. We have feminized Christ so that men no longer believe that he would send unrepentant sinners to eternal destruction. We have so compromised the true Christ that few men today really know who He is.
Lord bless the work of the Gideons as they take the word of God to foreign lands. Places like Europe are dead. It has left its first love and run after a whore. Lord, whatever it takes, whether by the quiet work of your spirit or by the collapse of their mighty gods, open the hearts of men so that they may understand that we all must appear before the living God to give account of ourselves. May such men see that without a perfect Mediator and sacrifice, we have no hope. Lord, we pray that they may read the word of God and be saved.
Bless the United States of America. Lord, there are thousands upon thousands here in this country who have not bowed the knee to Baal. We have seen some revival and we have seen some reformation. Maybe another generation will see the fruits of our labor. That's all right with us Lord. Just use what we have planted to raise up another generation that will be more bold, more holy, full of wisdom, goodness, and truth. Lord, we have planted, others will water, but You must give the increase. Lord, do not turn a deaf ear to us. Lord, do not hide your face from us. Lord, because we have prayed, the world will be changed. We believe it Lord. It is in accord with Thy holy will. We are not seeking to indulge our own selfish desires. We are praying for the building of your Kingdom and taking every thought captive to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord, thank You for the Sabbath Day. Thank You for rest from our labors and rest in Christ. Thank You for the gifts You give men so that we all may prosper as we each fulfill our callings.
Grant to us the blessing of Your presence and may we be able to say today that it was indeed good to be in the house of the Lord.
In Christ's Name we pray. Amen.