Maybe it is because it is a small church; but every week, there are so many things that to us are great blessings. Armando, the brother of Raymundo, came back on Sunday and I was able to speak to him about his new found salvation and he choked as he spoke of his family problems. We hope to be a help to him and se his family saved.
Angie, the military doctor, who was transferred back to our area came Sunday night with another military doctor, named Maria, who we hope to visit on Saturday and see saved. A woman named Elizabeth visited us with her two children on Sunday morning. She is a Christian who recently moved in the area from the south side of the city and found our tract on her car windshield. I was able to visit with her and her husband, Abraham Gonzalez, a lawyer working for a company nearby. He is a new Christian, but has been turned off by the churches he has visited because of their Pentecostal nature. He also had read something in the Bible that he interpreted as showing that attending the church was not that important. I showed him from the Bible that Christ established the church, that the book of Acts is the story of the Church, and that the epistles were written to churches or in the context of churches. He seemed convinced and we hope to see him next Sunday.
We have also received phone calls about the church that I hope translates into people attending. It certainly pays to get the Word out.
We visited the Presbyterian couple that has been visiting both our morning and evening services the last two Sundays. They said they had been looking for our church just the week before Sam Eastep had gone by with the new address on out tract. Oscar Moreno's great grandfather was the first Presbyterian convert and pastor of the first Presbyterian church in Mexico City in the 1870's. His grandfather was also a pastor. But his ninety-year old father as been an active member a Mount Abarim Baptist Church in Cuernavaca for years. The church there is a great fundamental independent Baptist Church that has been used greatly here in Mexico for years. Oscar would like to become a member, but I need to ask him about his baptism and doctrine and if he is willing to be baptized as a Baptist.
The following Sunday, had one of the best attendances of the year on Sunday and a good attendance in the evening. Thursday attendances have been down the last two weeks, though. The Oscar Moreno's son and fiancee visited with his parents on Sunday as well as Abraham Gonzalez. Also the lady who called us attended although she is visiting from another state. We had a pleasant surprise on Saturday when a couple that have been coming to church since last May: Peter, the Canadian, and Mary Carmen came out to soulwinning. Also, Gabriel, saved last May, was visiting her mother in the neighborhood where we were knocking doors last night. She had just come back with her sister from the doctor and had a Bible in her hand. She wanted to know if she could go with us soulwinning, but he did not have a female partner for her. Hopefully she will come out on Saturday morning.
Peter is finishing up the trim work in our meeting place putting in baseboards and other trim work. About the only thing we have left is the new lighting that we are putting in and banisters for the stairs leading to the church. I will send pictures when it is all finished.