We are all doing well and are continually thankful for the prayers of God's people.
I am leaving today for a one week trip that will take me through the countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo and back again. Sunday I will be preaching in Kigali, Rwanda. I will be accompanied by two of our pastors, Isaac Mungai and Mike Njoroge. The purpose of this trip is to do a complete survey in the Congo so that we can begin putting some men into the country on a permanent basis in the next few months. It is our desire to see the churches in Kenya bind together in a missions endeavor both physically and financially so that they can have a greater part in doing their part of reaching the world with the great commission. We will be surveying the town of UVIRA.
Please pray for us as Eastern Congo has been in perpetual war for the last few years and recently there was another outbreak. We will be travelling through some very tough areas and your prayers will be greatly appreciated. Also pray for Wendy and the kids while I am gone. I should return in a weeks time.