We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Pastor Mark Gladwell.Today's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
5.20pm Lord's Table (Please see notes)
6.00pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship at Cliff & Joyce's home
Weekly Meetings:
3.45pm to 4.45pm Children's Hour
8.15pm Elders' and deacons' mtg.
9.30am to 11.00am Mums & Tots
6.30pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 4,5 & 6 children.
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker: Peter Jermyn
7.45pm Local area Prayer Meeting
At Bexleyheath Church - let us make every effort to encourage our local churches by our attendance - if you need a lift - please ask.
7.30pm to 9.00pm FOY for secondary school children
11.00am & 6.00pm Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
Thought For The Week:
"Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who delights greatly in His commandments." Psalm 112:1
Prayer For The Church:
Pray for the preparations leading up to Holiday Bible Club. The leaflets will be going out to the schools this week.
Please pray for our local churches without a Pastor.
Prayer For The Local Area:
Epsom is the church on the Prayer Diary for the coming week. The church correspondent writes: ‘Writing this at the end of December I can report that we had an encouraging response to our Christmas outreaches, with some contacts coming to our services afterwards. From February 8th we are holding 10 special evening outreachs which are being widely advertised, dealing with common questions and objections to the Christian faith. We need to see the children and youth works ongoing and are hoping to hold our first children's Holiday Club at Easter. Please join with us in thanks to God for His blessings over 2008 and for growth, both spiritual and numerical over 2009′.
Prayer For The Wider Area:
Bolivia's future uncertain, ministry strengthens networks
Bolivia wants to rebuild strained relations with the United States. Ties have been tense since U.S. Ambassador Philip Goldberg and several U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency agents were expelled from Bolivia last year.
However, the Obama administration is already making forays into easing the tensions between the two countries. The U.S. government officially congratulated leftist Bolivian President Evo Morales on winning voters' approval of a new constitution on Sunday.
Bolivia is now at a crossroad between socialism and civil war. Several states remain resistant to socialistic control, as evidenced by a rally for state autonomy recently, attended by 500,000.
Despite the uncertainty, e3 Resources is developing a network of Bolivian trainers for ministry nationwide.
Working with church leaders from 55 congregations, the ministry team embarked on 11 different church-planting mission trips, where they successfully planted over 55 new churches and formed a network of 50 translators.
Religious freedom curbed in Sri Lanka
According to Compass Direct, a standing committee assigned to consider a draft "Bill for the Prohibition of Forcible Conversions" presented its report to Parliament on Jan. 6, in preparation for a final vote in February.
The provisions of the bill criminalize any act to convert or attempt to convert a person from one religion to another religion by the use of force, fraud or allurement. Those found guilty of breaking the law could be imprisoned for up to seven years and/or fined up to 500,000 rupees ($4,425 USD).
Civil rights groups and Christian churches say it will infringe on the constitutional rights of freedom of religion and will legitimize harassment of religious minorities.
Sri Lankan Christians have repeatedly expressed concern that key sections of the draft bill are open to wide and subjective interpretation that could criminalize not only legitimate religious activity but also legitimate social action by faith-based organizations or individuals.
"A lady who heads a charitable trust caring for orphans asked if she could be charged under this law, since she is a Christian and some of the children she cares for are not," a lawyer told Compass. "Many people will now think twice before helping the poor or needy, for fear of being accused of committing a criminal act."
Bible Readings:
1st Job 36:1-37:24; Matthew 23:1-39
2nd Job 38:1-41; Matthew 24:1-51
3rd Job 39:1-30; Matthew 25:1-46
4th Psalm 78; Matthew 26:1-35
5th Job 40:1-24; Matthew 26:36-75
6th Job 41:1-34; Matthew 27:1-31
7th Job 42:1-17; Matthew 27:32-66
General Announcements:
Members' meeting Tuesday. 24th Feb.
Please let Ken or Paul have in writing any matters that you would like to be considered by the church officers by today Thankyou.
Holiday Bible Club Notes.
Would friends taking leaflets to schools please see Paul.
Preregistration forms for junior helpers are available from Paul.
We already have a good number of children registered from Monday club and their friends, so to try and keep a balance it is suggested that we initially circulate the leaflets to K.S., 2 children - years groups 3 - 6 (junior). It would be ideal if schools could distribute these by Friday this week. Hopefully KIC club could be built up in numbers - Monday Club is full.
Pastor's Anniversary and Preaching Services on 7 February 2009. 3.00pm and 6.00pm Preacher - Gary Benfold.
Tea between services. All welcome
Please note that there will not be an evening meeting here on the 5th February as we will be joining with our friends from Erith and Thamesmead in prayer at Bexleyheath.
Lord's Table: We invite visitors who are active members of an evangelical church and have been baptized by immersion to commune at the Lords Table. Friends who are not eligible to participate are welcome to observe but are kindly asked to refrain from taking the bread and wine.
Want to get fit?
If you would like to have some fun getting fit, please see either Sarah or Debbie. This is open to everyone on a Monday evening from 7.30pm