Dear Praying Friends:
Thanks so much for praying. We count on it.Bible Institutes: Unbelievably still growing! I was certain that we had come to a stopping point in the two Bible Institutes, but not so... First, an additional student asked to be permitted to join in each program - the advanced program, the regular program, and also the correspondence program. Second, the pastor of the church in Ricanau Mofo in the interior called asking to start the program at their church. This Wednesday, I provided him with DVD's, textbooks and correction papers for 15 students. So we are most grateful to see the expansion of the work, especially seeing the work move to the interior thanks to the DVD's.
I believe that we finally have a workable solution to make DVDs also for the new Bible Institute. By adjusting the computer to use a simpler background, simpler colors, and no animation, we are now able to record the DVDs "on line." This Tuesday at the class, a pesky dog in the church property added his barks to the sound, but it is tolerable for now. We continue to pray for a solution so that I can edit the DVDs a bit more professionally, but the material is now being saved and ready for duplication.
Church: Sunday morning, we were surprised by Michiel Raafenberg, who was saved, called and trained here as a preacher. He is now second in charge of the Suriname Embassy in Washington, D.C. He surprised his mother for her 75th anniversary, and surprised us too. I asked him to preach in my place Sunday night. It was interesting. He spoke about our being ambassadors for the country of heaven, and our responsibilities (2 Corinthians 5:14 ff) to represent our true country to bring honor to the Lord. I believe that the Lord uses our unique backgrounds to see the truth of His word in light of our work, culture, experiences, etc. I often see illustrations from my medical background when I am preparing messages.
Soulwinning: He was John Setoe's "brother" as well as technically his cousin. They were raised in the same family and as they say, "we ate from one plate." John Setoe is perhaps our strongest believer and most effective preacher in the interior, and yet his "brother" (cousin) was unsaved and resistant. John went with Brother Amafo to speak with him a week ago, and last Sunday he approached me about being baptized. When Liz and I went to their home today, he gave an extremely clear testimony of seeing the enormity of his sin and how he has placed everything in the hands of the savior. He is already seeing God answer his prayer about his need for work. He has made it clear that he is finished with all sorts of "famiri fanowdoe," meaning that he is finished with witchcraft. During that visit, his 18 year old daughter was sweetly saved. We also spoke with two younger children whose understanding is not yet really clear.
Baptism: We hope to have a baptismal service very soon. I am planning on preaching on baptism again this Sunday, as there are a number of persons who need to be baptized, and we want to make certain that they clearly understand what they are doing. Many in Suriname still cling to baptismal regeneration. It is sometimes difficult to get them to realize that baptism does not make you saved, but is an open witness that you have been saved. We would appreciate your prayers for that service.
Please continue to pray as we work on the church organization and independence.
Prayer requests:
- Health and strength for the work
- Safety driving
- Spiritual growth
- Bible Institutes - especially to develop and strengthen national leaders
- Saving materials on DVD for the future
- Souls saved, baptized and discipled
- Strengthening of the national churches
- Scheduling for this fall
In Him and Content:
Bob and Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname since 1986