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Pastor Patrick Hines | Kingsport, Tennessee
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Prayer 1.25.2009
Posted by: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church | more..
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Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Even from Adam to Moses, from Joshua to David, from the prophets of old to John the Baptist, from the Apostles to the Church fathers, from Hus, Luther, Calvin, and Knox to America, you have been our dwelling place. Lord, today we come into Thy Sanctuary as did our fathers of old that our hearts may find their peace and rest in Thee. Just as our forefathers did of old, so do we today, and so shall our children who will follow after us. There is a marvelous thread that connects us back to the day of creation, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. Men used to look forward to His coming. We look back at his coming. Men once had only shadows and dreams. We have the second person of the Trinity who dwelled here on this earth among men as a man, and now who sits at the right hand of God the Father almighty.

Lord, we find peace that you are unchangeable. In a world full of change and fear, we know Thou are stable and cannot change. The young soon grow old. The children soon become adults. Kings rise and fall. Nations become powerful and soon return to weakness. Bubbles are created by the greed of men and they soon burst. From boom to bust, from rich to poor, from heights of glory to dungeons of shame - Lord these are the cycles of man. Churches flourish and wane. The voices that filled the sanctuary become silent. The pulpits are empty and there is no water in the baptismal font. The new is always more exciting more than the old.

But the new soon becomes the old and men sit in confusion again wondering what happened. Lord, we are indeed comforted that You never change. Your character never changes. Your decrees never change. Your love for us never changes. Thou art from everlasting to everlasting the same. Thou art the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Lord, in the life we live by faith and hope, we are still scared. We are afraid of the unknown. We are afraid of sickness. We are afraid of growing old and being left alone. We are afraid of the Nursing Home. We are even afraid of death. Maybe worse, we are afraid of dying. Some die quickly. Like the dew of the morning, they appear with the early morning light and they are quickly gone. Some live for years declining so very slowly. The body wears away like metal against metal. It grinds on and on, but yet even then the day always comes when the sound and heat disappear.

Some live to a ripe old age, and some die young in the prime of life. Lord, none of us know how we shall die or when we shall die, but we do know that we shall die. Lord, we have not died before, and therefore the unknown scares us. We can't relieve the fears of the unknown when it is a road we have never traveled.

Yet, we read of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He was dead and now he lives. Lord, we are here today because we have the promise that because He lives, we shall live too. Death itself shall die. But lo, there breaks a more glorious day when the saints shall arise from the grave in holy array. When the King of glory passes by this way, we shall live and death shall ever be at bay. Our brothers in Christ who have died and now rest in the grave shall walk with us in body without any decay. What a glorious day that shall be, when our loved ones in Christ we shall see.

Our Father, we thank You for the covenant promises. In days when men do not know how to raise children, we thank You that we have the wisdom of Your word, the influence of the Church, and the promises You made at the baptism of our children. What our children learn and hear today will always be with them. It may take tragedy in their lives, it may take a collapse of the economy, it may take disappointment and despair to bring to light the seed of life that has been implanted in them. But for sure, they have heard the truth. They have heard the gospel. Lord, in the womb, in their early years, even in the days when they grow old, may the seed planted here blossom into a tall and healthy flower that reflects the glory of God. Lord keep Your promise to us and to our children.

Lord, grant that for a few moments this morning, we surely can sit still and know that You are God. Help us to take our minds off of the work of the week. There is no need to buy and sell on the Sabbath. To do so would be to make the Lord's Day just like any other day of the week. We would be stealing from You and stealing from our fellow man who needs a day of rest. Grant that our worship here this morning will be pleasing in Thy sight. Lord, keep us from doing things in our worship that are inappropriate in the presence of a Holy God. Give us the joy of Your presence here today. In Christ's Name we pray. Amen.

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