Our Father in Heaven, we come into Thy presence through the Lord Jesus Christ. We confess as God's people that He is the only Mediator between God and man. We confess that He is the Son of the Living God and that He sits today at Your right hand, from whence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
Lord, we confess that we are sinners. So often, what the world calls freedom, we know is sin. So often what the world calls liberty, we know is transgression against Thy law. Even those of us that the world may call good, we know that we have broken Thy law. Even those of us that the world may call righteous, we know that we are not righteous. Lord, we struggle with sin. Sometimes, it so easily besets us. There are great sins and there are small sins, but no sin is so small that it does not deserve damnation, and no sin is so great that it cannot be forgiven. Lord, if we were delivered fully from the sin that remains in us, we would be so glad. Lord, sin is a great affliction. Sin is a great burden for men to bear. We know that we have been forgiven through the Lord Jesus Christ, and we know that all our sins are covered by his blood, yet Lord, it still is a plague in our lives. Lord, we look forward to the day when we shall be totally free from sin in the presence of the Living God.
Lord, maybe the most discouraging thing we see is when the Church suffers because of sin. Good Christians who were once friends no longer speak to each other. Brothers who fought alongside of each other now do not even inquire about their fellow soldiers. Men who once prayed together now can only pray apart from each other. The joy of fellowship has become the delight of separation. Good men fight each other. Churches divide and young Christians become disillusioned. I've seen men treated better by the world than by the Church. Some casualties are cast alongside of the highway to heaven. Lord, we thank Thee that without Thy grace, it would be much worse. Thank you that here in this Church, we have enjoyed peace for many years. Thank you that old soldiers still fight together, pray together, and live together.
Yea, Lord, in all I have seen, I have seen Your Church sustain injury after injury and still it marches like a mighty warrior. I have seen men leave and yet you replace those who are gone. I have seen those hurt many times, revived again. I have seen those who gave up, come back like the prodigal son. Lord, the Church on earth is like a broken cistern, but is never fails to gush forth with refreshing water. Lord, the Church on earth is like a fig tree in the heat of summer whose appearance may be like a withering vine, but men do not see that its roots go deep into the ground and that she drinks from the well of the promises and power of Jesus Christ. Many may quit the battle. Many may fall away. Many may be discouraged because they see little fruit, but Lord help them to remember, that regardless of the weakness of men, and regardless of the failures before us, the blessed Church is Your bride and she is the hope of all the earth. She shall be here on earth when a thousand nations become nothing, and ten thousand kings die and are forgotten. It is the Church that is the apple of Your eye and the delight of Your heart. Keep ourselves in her healing arms and in her strong hands.
Our Father, deliver us from arrogance, yet help us to be wise in discerning the times. If we do know anything, it is by the grace of God. We see a nation that thinks more money is the answer to everything. We need leaders bathed in the word of God to lead us. Lord, You can raise them up. Be merciful to us and give us statesmen who have sat at the feet of men like Moses and Joshua, and who hear the words of our Savior.
Lord, bless our covenant families. Make our young children into strong men and women who will be the hope of the next generation.
Grant this morning that our worship will be pleasing in Your sight. Be pleased to hear our voices of praise and our meditation of prayer. In Christ's Name we pray. Amen.