Our Father in Heaven, we live by faith. We cannot see You. We cannot touch You. We have not died and come back to life with a story to tell. Men may laugh at us because we depend so much on something we cannot feel with our fingers and we cannot see with our eyes. Lord, we live on the testimony of two and three witnesses. Your creation witnesses to Your existence. How could chance and chaos produce such an orderly and complex world? Lord, only fools would believe otherwise. We have witnesses in the written word. The four gospels written by eye witnesses testify of Your Son. The disciples walked, ate, and rested with the Son of God. Hundreds of witnesses saw Jesus Christ alive after he died on the cross. Lord, you answer our prayers. That is a witness we have. When men cry out to You, the world is changed. Lord, you use the weakness of men to do great and marvelous things. This also is a witness to Your existence and to Your power. Lord, all these things give witness that You are the God who is there.
Yea, Lord, where else can we go. We cannot return to our old ways. They only lead to death. We cannot go after other gods. Whether Allah, Buddha, or the other gods created by the minds of men, we find no hope in them. Politicians promise us salvation, but they only disappoint us. Atheism leaves us in a world of chance without purpose. Lord, even though the gate is small and the way is narrow, there is no turning back for us. We have committed ourselves to Thee and we will not betray our calling. Whatever befalls us, whatever troubles we face, whatever men may think of us, Lord, here we are.
We are Your people. We are here today in this Church to worship You. Lord, we are not much, but we were invited to be here. Lord, we have nothing to offer, but You told us that we did not need to bring anything. We are told in Thy word, Come and buy without cost. Lord, we are empty, but we have heard that You desire emptiness. A full vessel need not be filled, but an empty vessel needs all the grace available.
O, Lord we are unworthy to be in the same room with You, but we read in the Bible, that it is the poor in spirit that have a place at the table of blessing. It is the downtrodden and guilty who find their peace and rest in Thee. It is the sick who need a physician and not the healthy. Lord, here we are - broken in spirit and in need of grace. Do not disappoint us.
Lord, as the sun rises in the east, faithfully day after day, may we be so faithful as we encourage one another. Help us to stir up one another unto good deeds. Help us to be ever vigilant against the deception of sin. Lord, we may have some pride in us that we have put some sins behind us, but Lord we are wise enough to know that there are sins in us that we cannot see. We are blind when it comes to ourselves. What others see, we cannot see. Lord, this scares us. We may think we are wise, but others may see us as fools. We may think we are strong, but others see us as weak. We may think we are right, but others know that we are wrong. We may think that we have arrived, but others see us as falling far behind. Lord, deliver us from self-deception. Help us to judge ourselves rightly, but not to see ourselves as more than we really are.
Lord, we pray for the generation that shall follow us. We have been faithful in giving them Thy Word. We have prayed for them. We have delivered unto them what was delivered unto us. Help us to find faithful men in Thy Church to whom we can deposit the word of life, and then who will be able to teach others. Lord, someone must carry on. Someone must take up the sword of the Spirit and fight the battles of a new generation. Lord, give conviction to our young people, that soon the battle will be theirs to fight, and the victories will be theirs to win. Lord, only a few decades ago, much had been lost. We rediscovered it, like Josiah did the law of God. We have reestablished the principles of God's Word in the Church. May those who follow after us, reach new heights, cast off the sins they inherit from us, and become even more zealous than those who have gone before them. Raise up leaders who are anxious to take responsibilities. Raise up elders and deacons. Raise up men who have a passion to preach the whole counsel of God. Raise up men who can become statesmen in a world of politicians. Raise up men with courage to fight the battles of the Lord.
Our Father, we ask for much. Maybe too much? Maybe not enough? Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and the door will be open. Pray and the heavens will be open and the showers of blessings shall flood the earth. No, Lord, we don't ask for too much. We only plead our case based upon Your great promises and grace. Indeed, we do pray that the Kingdom of God will someday cover the whole earth as the waters cover the sea. We ask in faith that in every nation, in every city of every nation, in every household of every city, that Jesus Christ may be worshipped as the Son of the Living God. Lord, we do not ask for too much. We only ask that which we know will be pleasing to Thee. Hear our prayer, we pray in Christ's Name. Amen.