Dear Praying Friend:We thank you for your prayers, and the blessings which they are bringing. We are also praying for you who are struggling in the cold and snow, as the temperature here is a fairly cool 80 plus degrees! We have had some days of heavy rains, but also some lovely days as well.
Answer to prayer: Scheduling: We have been thrilled to see some open doors to ministry this week. We will be able to teach a second block course, this time at Baptist College of Ministry in Menonomee Falls. We have also had the chance to schedule two new churches and are awaiting a response from a third. We are working on schedules for some additional schools as well, and hope to have more information next week. Thanks to the faithfulness of our supporting churches, we have adequate support at this time. We are not so much seeking additional support as the opportunity to challenge both churches and Christian colleges in the areas of missions, and particularly in the area of translation. Please pray that the Lord will open doors to those churches and schools which He desires where we may be able to minister.
Answer to prayer: Bible Institutes: Our people from all four churches have shown great interest in the two Bible Institutes. I had finished last semester with only one person from our main church scheduled to come back to our regular program, and perhaps one additional student to the correspondence program. Instead, we now have a total of 30 regular students and seven by correspondence. Also, some additional students have started the advanced Bible Institute, bringing the total to 23 students. Liz is proving a tremendous help not only in attending and helping critique the material, but in getting materials reproduced, correcting lessons, and being a great encouragement. We pray that our leadership will be greatly strengthened through these programs.
Answer to prayer: Soulwinning: It began as "one of those days." The lady we went to speak with was not home, and her sister, who had recently come from deep in the interior, could barely understand my witnessing to her. It turned out she had accepted the Lord at our church a few weeks ago when attending with her sister. Fortunately our own soulwinners were able to deal with her clearly in Aukaans, the dialect of her area, which she would better understand than the normal Sranantongo spoken by myself.
We drove to our second location, and could not find the house number. When we stopped at a home to ask, we began talking with the lady of the house. We discovered that she had received the Lord at our church in the interior at Ricanau Mofo as a young person, but came to the city, married an unsaved man who later "dumped" her with five children. She is struggling to stay afloat working three jobs. She had not been in church for fifteen years. When Liz gave her a New Testament, she was thrilled. She had been praying to the Lord for a Bible since Christmas. We encouraged her, and we hope to see her entire family on Sunday.
We did locate the second house, and the lady there was also not home. However, we were able to speak to a 14 year old younger brother who accepted the Lord, and promised to come to church this Sunday.
Prayer request: Leadership meeting: We will be meeting Saturday evening to work further on our statutes for independence of the church. We request your prayers.
Prayer requests:
- We would also request prayer for several pastors and church leaders who have had major medical problems recently. We would especially request prayer for Pastor Russell Boersma, pastor of Hills Corners Baptist Church, a supporting church of ours. Pastor Boersma is an extraordinarily humble pastor who is always looking for ways to help others. He has some major medical problems which are being investigated at the present.
- Our physical strength and health for the work here
- Spiritual growth
- Independence of the churches
- Blessing from the Bible Institutes
- Continued blessing in scheduling for our mini-furlough this fall.
In Him and Content:
Bob and Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname, South America