Our Father in Heaven, great is Thy Name and greatly is Thy Name to be praised. Lord, You will be praised! If not by us, then we know you can raise up voices out of the rocks to praise You. Ultimately, we shall all praise You, either in grace or in justice. If we are the objects of Thy love, then the grace You have shown us shall praise You. If we are the objects of Thy wrath, then the justice of Your character shall be Your praise. Either in submission or rebellion, we shall praise Thee. O Lord, let our praise be the praise of Your grace.
Lord, our faith is often very small. The words from our mouths and the words we sing from our hymns do not always match the faith we have in our hearts. It is easy to say words. It is easy to say that we must trust and obey. It is easy to wish we could die the death of our fathers who died in prison chains for their faith. It is easy to boast of great things. It is easy to say that God will supply all of our needs. But O Lord, how hard it is to live what we say. How hard it is to be content. How hard it is to rest in Thee. Lord, help us to be honest with Thee. Help us to be honest with one another. We are all weak. We are all undone. We are all afraid. We suffer the common frailties of man. We can be too serious. Help us to remember that merriment does the heart good. We can be too demanding. Help us to remember that only You are perfect. We can be too anxious. Help us to remember that you may take years to give us what we may want today.
O Father we confess, that even though our sins have been forgiven, yet their memory sticks with us like glue. Our transgressions have been taken and tossed into the depths of the sea, yet they swim around in our minds, and seem never to leave us alone. Lord, it is hard for us to believe that the death of Christ would wash away all of our sins. Yet, Lord, we confess that our problem is not with the death of Christ, but the problem is with our faith.
Lord, remind us that ultimately our faith does not save us. Also, remind us that ultimately, our repentance is not to be rested in for the pardon of our sins. Indeed a man cannot be saved without both faith and repentance, but we know that both our faith and our repentance lack perfection. The only thing perfect is the life and death of Christ. Lord, draw our attention away from our imperfect faith and our imperfect repentance and enable us to cast our eyes upon Christ, the only one who was perfect in all that He did. Our hope is not in our imperfect faith or in our imperfect repentance, or even in our imperfect hope, our imperfect prayers, and our imperfect love for one another, but in the perfection of Christ. Lord without a perfect and holy Christ, we who are imperfect, would have no hope, but gladly in Him we do have hope because by faith we have his perfection imputed unto us. This makes us glad.
Lord, help us as we struggle against sin and selfishness. Sometimes our hearts are as cold as the chill of a winter day. Sometimes our compassion is as dead as the grave itself. Sometimes, Lord, we do covet. Sometimes, we find sins in our hearts that we do not like. O Lord, if our thoughts were made public, then we would be so ashamed. We would be considered so foolish. You know us all too well, and Lord, that is enough. Hide our thoughts and our temptations from the world and enable us to retain some small amount of dignity.
Lord, bless our Church in the coming year. There will be some changes. We pray that you will bless our endeavors and our requests. Lord, hear us. Is it too much to pray that we hope to see this Church full? Every seat taken. Every voice singing loudly with zeal. Lord, it is not for our glory that we ask these things, but Lord it is for your glory and our encouragement. We believe in the faith once for all delivered unto the saints. We love You and we love one another. Lord, show the world that what we have is not empty. Show the world that indeed we have found eternal life. Make the world hungry for what we have. Make them flock to our Church because here they will find the truth for their minds, hope for their hearts, and rest for their souls. Lord, we ask all these things in Christ's Name. Amen.