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Prayer 12.21.2008
Posted by: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church | more..
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Our Father, remind us here today that indeed the chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. Help us to learn that to worship and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ is indeed where a man will find joy in this life.

The gods of this world offer us joy. However, how soon we find out that they will disappoint us. The promises of this world are empty. Lord, there is nothing more that will test us than to see promises delayed or hope unfulfilled. Lord, when it appears that the promises fail, how long can we hold up? How long can we endure? Lord, the spirit of a man can endure his sickness, but a broken heart, who can bear it?

Lord, even the Church can disappoint us. Conflict continues unresolved. Judgment sometimes is without mercy. Forgiveness is not always forthcoming. In a church full of people, we can be very lonely. When we are supposed to be strong, we can be so weak. When are to hold up the arms of our brothers, our arms fail. Lord, we pray for the advancement of your Kingdom, and yet the kingdoms of this world seem to be moving ahead of us.

Lord, help us to remember that we need Thy grace. We can do nothing without Your grace. It is the grace of God that gives us the breath of life. It is the grace of God that enables us to move the body to do the tasks of life. It is the grace of God that takes away our guilt of sin. It is the grace of God that keeps us from day to day.

Lord, help us to be ministers of Your grace. Help us to love the brethren. Help us as we see sadness to offer a word of encouragement. Help us as we see the broken-hearted to offer a prayer to the God who can put the pieces back together. Lord, help us to wipe the tears away from those in pain and those whose hearts are downcast. Help us to give a cup of cold water to our brothers who are thirsty. Help us to use our resources of plenty to share with those whose barns are empty and whose olive vines have withered and died. O Lord, there we find the Kingdom of God. There we find the grace of God. For our God is a God who takes pity on the poor. For our God is a God who finds the lost sheep and brings him home. For our God is a God who gives His own life, and all his owns, for the sake of those who need the grace of God. Lord, sadness is an opportunity for comfort to be given by the people of God.

Lord, poverty is an opportunity for us to share with others as Jesus shared with us. Lord, loneliness is an opportunity for your people to respond with time and friendship. O Lord, help us to see Your kingdom working with power in our midst here in this Church. May the world know that we know Thee because of how we love one another.

Our Father, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Better that we are not tempted than to be tempted and sin. Help us to be wise. Help us to cut off the opportunities to sin. Lord, the same eyes that show us the beauty of Your creation are the same eyes that produce in us all sorts of evil, like coveting and lust. The same ears that enable us to hear the sound of falling water on a quiet day are the same ears that entertain gossip and entertain the words that take away the good name of our brothers. Lord, the same mind that can invent cures for the sick is the same mind that destroys. The same mind that seeks to create order in the world is the same mind that causes chaos. Lord, why have the good things in this world been turned into weapons we use to destroy each other? O Lord, it is sin! Who shall deliver us from this body of death? Lord, we confess that our only hope is in Thee. We confess our sins here today, and we come empty in hope that You will forgive us of our sins and that You might fill us with Thy grace.

Lord, we thank You for the Christ child that was born many years ago. He was born into poverty, yet He was a rich. He was the object of men's anger, yet He was the God of love and mercy. Wise men found him because they were looking for Him. Lord make men wise today. The stars shined brightly because a Savior was born. Lord, make the stars shine brightly again. The Shepherds were startled as they heard the news of the new born King. Lord, startled men again today. Mary, the mother of Jesus pondered all these things in her heart. Lord, help us to ponder anew what the Lord can do.

Lord, may the Lord renew afresh the joy that comes with the new born child. Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let earth and heaven rejoice. Lord, give us the grace of rejoicing here this morning as we seek to worship Thee in spirit and in truth. In Christ's Name we pray. Amen.

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