O Lord our God, we have seen our nation on the verge of financial collapse at least twice in recent days and months. Wall Street and Detroit have both come to the precipice of destruction. Yet, it appears, at least for the present that money has delivered us. We have been saved by the money. When we have a problem, we look for the Government to give us money. Throw money at it and it will go away. The Government has become our god and money has become our Savior.
Yet the problem Lord is that we don't have the money. We are broke. We spend money we don't have. We borrow money to save those who have borrowed too much money.
Lord, when the day comes that our money is worthless, who shall save us? Is our Government too big to fail? How long O Lord can a nation break the rules of God and yet live? How long can a nation borrow against its good name when its good name is being corrupted? The inheritance we will leave our children is the inheritance of debt. They will pay dearly for our foolish spending.
So Lord, we have created a crisis and we think that man is wise enough to deliver himself from that crisis, without consideration of the laws of God. We think we can sin without consequence. We think we can reward failure and punish productivity. We have adopted the very philosophies that have destroyed nations down through the ages, and yet we think we are immune from the judgment of God because we have money.
O Lord, we come here this morning because we do not trust in treasures on earth where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break in and steal. The thieves have come dressed in suits and ties and gambled with our money. Much of it has been lost.
But we are here to give testimony that we have been storing up treasurers in heaven, where neither moth nor rust can destroy, and where thieves cannot break in and steal. Our treasure is in heaven and therefore our heart is there too. We may be disappointed when we lose treasurers on earth but our hearts are not broken. We may be saddened when we see the plans of man fail, but our joy is not taken away from us, because we are the children of God and no man can take that away from us. We have sought your kingdom first. We have lived by faith. We have adopted values different from the world. We have given our first fruits to the Church. The Church is our home. The Church is our cleft under the rock. The Church is our ark in the midst of the flood. So Lord, we do not worry. Even though the earth shakes with fear and the mountains fall into the depths of the sea, we shall not tremble. For in the end, we die without anything except the clothes on our back. Naked we came into this world naked we shall leave. Dust to dust. Ashes to ashes. We die poor without Christ and yet we die rich in Christ.
So, Lord, we ask that You would bless us with the comfort of Thy word. Seal to our hearts the promises of eternal life. Enliven our hearts with the joy of our salvation. Help us to remember that we have built our lives on the solid rock. Whatever floods and storms come to us, we shall not fall. We shall not fall into the water and be drowned. Lord even if You take away all that we consider dear in the life, we shall yet praise Thee. Surely, Lord that is the essence of great faith. Even though the Lord slay me, yet shall I trust Him. For those at ease in Zion, their faith means very little to them, but to those on the battlefields fighting for life, their faith means everything. Lord, we need great faith. May our faith be great enough to overcome our sadness, and may our faith be greater than all our fears. For we ask all these things in Christ's name, the author and finisher of our faith. Amen.