Intolerance of all false religion is a rare jewel today. God's people, His elect, are given a knowledge of the truth as well as a love for the truth. By the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling and working in them, God's people have a hatred for every false way. This is one reason they are hated by the world and persecuted. Christ said that they hated Him and they will hate believers too.They gospel of the free and sovereign grace of God, in Christ, is an offensive message to the human, prideful flesh, which naturally leans on self-righteousness for at least part of their acceptance with God. But God Almighty will not share His glory. His glory is His chief concern and He is jealous for it.
A popular trend today, just like throughout history, is to gain popularity and a more broad hearing by compromise. This is even try among those who claim to be sovereign grace, Calvinist and Reformed. They think to be dogmatic in defending the gospel without compromise is a show of hatefulness. In turn they hold that tolerance of a false gospel shows love and kindness. This is the furthest thing from the truth.
The tolerant compromisers are merely protecting their friends and relatives who are in false religion. It goes to prove that in the majority of cases they are even protecting their old profession in false religion, giving them some sort of pride in their religious seniority. But God's people are brought to humility to submit to Christ and His righteousness and God gives them repentance to change their mind about what God accepts and what glorifies Him.
The religion of the world is very tolerant except one area stands out where they are absolutely not. It is in the area of intolerance. If someone stands and boldly proclaims that there is only one true gospel and the Christ and the merit of His righteousness that is based on His effectual atonement for the elect. They are consistent with demanding it is the only way of acceptance with God and all other ways are damnable heresy. That is the offense of the cross.
The offense of the cross can simply be summed up as Christ's righteousness as compared to all other forms of righteousness for justification. It shows that God has promised to accept and bless God's elect based only on His righteousness imputed to their account rendering them perfect in God's eyes. The world and false religion hates that truth and hates the inflexible intolerance of God's people to defend that truth. Intolerance is a gift from God just like everything else God gives His people on the behalf of Christ.