By Scott Price
"For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things; to Him be glory forever! Amen." Romans 11:36
In the Modern King James Version the word "Glory" appears 396 times, "Glorified" 50 times, "Glorious" 43 times and "Glorify" 31 times. Seems like a lot of space in the Scripture devoted to such an topic. Just what are the issues concerning Glory? Whatever Glory is God puts an awful high priority on it.
So, what is Glory? In the New Testament Glory means - concerning one's dignity resulting in honor, praise, worship and showing their splendor, brightness, magnificence, excellence, preeminence and grace. Space will not allow me get go into too much detail but I want to hit some high points.
I was recently watching a video clip on the Internet of Oprah Winfrey talking about her departure from a basic historic Christian truth. She said what caused her to question her beliefs at 27 years of age was her former pastor spoke of God being all-powerful, all-knowing and perfect but yet this same God was a jealous God. She could not reconcile this in her mind.
But what does God's own word sayabout Himself in Exodus 34:14; "For you shall worship no other god. For Jehovah, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God." That verse not only says God is jealous, but rather Jealous is His very Name! This is what He says about Himself. This is divine and absolute truth.
God is so glorious He deserves and demands to be honored, praised, worshipped and have Glory attributed to Him. This means that anything associated with Him is to be seen as priority, high and lifted up because of His Glory. This is what Oprah seems to think makes God not God. Does God deserve to be jealous? Does He have that right? Is this demand too high? Does this exclusive God with His narrow ideas fit into this modern world of "politically correctness"?
The implications here are IF this God who makes these exclusive claims about being the only true God and demands undivided allegiance, that any other teachings beside this is unorthodox and a lie. Those who would disagree with Him then would be calling God Himself, this God of the Scripture, a liar. This is the part of God that she does not like. So, in the new scheme of thought God becomes whoever or whatever you want Him to be in your own mind.
In conclusion I just want to mention that the true God being such an exclusive God and making all the claims to back it in His word points to all this as being a major part of His Glory. The Glory of God is magnified in the clearest possible way as revealed in the LORD Jesus Christ in the act of glorifying the Father in His cross work. This Christ made the clain; "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. The LORD will not share His Glory with another. Nobody else even deserves it, only Him.