God continues to bless the ministry at Liberty Baptist Church in the heart of Mexico City.
Lately we are seeing results from our visitation ministry. We have three couples going out every Tuesday. In the last couple of weeks, I have been able to see saved the daughter of one of our older ladies in the church, Sara de la Vega; Teadora and Carolina, the sister and niece of one of another older lady in our church; Lucia, a young wife of a lieutenant in the Mexican army, whose kids came to vacation Bible school; and Maria del Carmen, a lady saved in door-to-door visitation in the apartments across the avenue from our house.
God is giving us fruit for our labors in those apartments. Leslye, a young lady who lives there and came to church because of a tract passed out, came again last Thursday night. This Sunday night, we had an older lady, her daughter, and grandson come out for the first time from the same apartments. She is a Christian and she gave a testimony that her son, Gilberto, had just recently accepted the Lord reading a tract we passed out. I am looking forward to meeting him.
God continues to bless us every Sunday with visitors, although they are not always the ones we invite. Our attendance's have been stable between 45-60, but with many decisions made in every service. One young couple just made the decision that the wife throw away her pants and, also, their television.
We are looking at large house to rent even closer to where our people live and still along a major avenue, but with a lot better parking. The last few months we have been meeting in the patio of the school we rent and under a tent roof as we outgrew the classroom where we began; but winter is coming (lows at 40F in the mountainous Mexico City) and our contact with the school ends on September 30 (which means a raising of the rent here).
The house we are looking at has a living room/dining room area that can fit 60 adults and a garage/patio area with a dome over it that fits 100 adults. Pray for this crucial decision as; at the same time we are considering this house that would be over twice the rent the church was paying before; one of the women, an accountant who gave half the offerings left over the pants issue. But we are not looking to man (or woman) to sustain the church; but God, so please pray.
The upside is that the Sunday after I preached a convincing message on pants (as well as other things) that caused her, her mother, her sister, and niece to leave the church; the following Sunday, all the women, save one, that were there for the message had dresses on in church. One had even gone out and bought two dresses, because she had none. Incidentally, last week she (Alicia) became the twentieth baptized since the church began last November. I just pray that these ladies follow through at home and make this a personal conviction and not a pastor-pleaser.
Please continue to pray for the church. We want more than anything a church that pleases God; and not just another big, worldly, rich church. You can find them anywhere: in the States and in Mexico City.