Dear Praying Friends,Our attendance was down some because of the presidential elections on Sunday. The army had most of its officers on base in case of an emergancy. One woman was working at the voting booth and another woman works for one of the political parties.
Thank you for praying for the election. Felipe Calderon won by about 1% of the vote, although Looez Obrador, in his arrogant fashion, is trying to make a big stink. He had made himself the Messiah of Mexico, but should remember that almost 65% of Mexicans voted against him.
We were thankful that the Methodist woman whose father is a brigadier general, attended again. He could not because of the elections. Also Eunice, the woman who came last week for the first time, returned. Roxanna, the wife of President Fox's pilot, also returned and is talking about letting her son, Humberto, come to teen camp with us.
I am so thankful for Fernando and his wife Maria Luisa, the couple recently saved and baptized. Fernando seems to enjoy the messages, is very attentive, and writes down notes from the sermon.
Tonight was a big step in the family of Rene, a man who has let his teenage children attend our church, is sympathetic towards our church, but whose wife has been the obstacle to the children's faithfulness. We had our usual cottage prayer meeting at 7:30 and, at the same time, Rene and his wife Leticia came to the house for some printing work I am having him do. It was Leticia first time in our home/church. Our people were sitting at the table drinking coffee. I invited Leticia to coffee and we left her with them to see about the printing in the other room.
It was her first contact with our people and I believe it will help soften her heart to our church and to God. I am hoping it will have the same effect as it did on the Buddhist husband that came to our church picnic and now lets his daughters attend with his wife.
They are still plastering the ceiling and walls of the education building, but we are ready put up some dry wall if we had the money. Please pray that God provides as we are nearing the deadline of the Open House on July 28.
Thank you for your prayers,
Clint Rardin