We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by our Pastor. Today's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
6.30pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship at Bruce & Margarets.
Weekly Meetings:
3.45pm to 4.45pm Children's Hour
9.30am to 11.00am Mums & Tots
6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 4,5 & 6 children.
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker: Mrs Dawson
7.45pm Bible Study and Prayer Meeting - Led by Pastor
7.30pm to 9.00pm FOY - For secondary school children
11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services - Led by Ray Birch
Thought For The Week:
"Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him." Psalm 2v12
Prayer For The Church:
Continue to pray for Simon and Ali that they may prove our Father's love.
Thank God for the safe delivery of Abigail Laura Wayman to Elaine and David yesterday. Pray that God continue to strengthen them in the coming days. Elaine should be coming out of hospital today.
Pray for Ruth and Mona as they seek employment.
Continue to pray for the midweek meetings that God may bless the word of each of these and might see fruit for our labour. Please continue to pray for wisdom for the leaders of KIC club in managing any challenging behaviour.
Prayer For The Local Area:
Twickenham. ‘We praise God that He has enabled us to continue in our work and witness despite our small size. The mid-week children's clubs maintain a good attendance which is encouraging but we are concerned at the erratic attendances at our Sunday School as this is where the main focus of Christian teaching is.'
We are encouraged by a Malaysian brother who has recently started to attend Sunday morning services and he has become regular, our prayer is that others may also join him.'
Wood Green. ‘We thank God for the opportunity to be involved in training ministers and church planting. Pray we will continually be strengthened for this good work.'
Prayer For The Wider Area:
Harsh enforcement of Iran's Sharia law opens door for Gospel
Iran's security chief says the "public security plan" will continue-a plan used last year to arrest thousands of women and youth for violating Sharia law.
The length and severity of the crackdown has been unprecedented in the Islamic republic in recent years. At the same time, political instability seems to be growing within the country. The two combined have made an interesting formula for the introduction of the Gospel.
The harsh crackdown may be having an opposite effect on the youth. SAT-7's David Harder says, "There's a great amount of disillusionment with what people see around them. They're dissatisfied with the economy, with the government, with the religious system."
That's where the work of SAT-7 PARS-a Farsi-language, Christian satellite TV channel-can be most effective. They provide continuous 24-hour broadcasts to viewers in Iran and Afghanistan and nearby areas where Farsi is widely spoken.
SAT-7's team made an observation about their audience: "The young people seem to be drawn either toward a completely secular view of things or to sort of a negative and hopeless look. In between that, people are thirsty, and they are watching SAT-7 PARS. We're getting tremendous responses from people who are coming to know the Lord, who are so appreciative of the programs that are training them."
Because of this spiritual climate, SAT-7 PARS team has been experiencing rapid growth. Viewers have said that SAT-7 PARS is their only source of Christian teaching, training and encouragement. Others have worked with PARS counsellors to learn how they can become followers of Christ, so much so, that more counsellors were needed this year.
As the staff grew in their cramped studio space, it became evident that they would need new offices. Early in 2008 the entire SAT-7 staff in Cyprus gathered in the new PARS office to pray and dedicate each room to the work of the Lord.
Harder says they're planning to continue on the growth track. "They have plans for the future to add some live shows. People in Iran have been asking for that because they want to engage with the hosts."
Bible Readings:
27th Numbers 2:1-34; Mark 11:1-33
28th Numbers 3:1-51; Mark 12:1-27
29th Psalms 26; Mark 12:28-44
30th Numbers 4:1-49; Mark 13:1-37
1st Numbers 5:1-6:27; Mark 14:1-42
2nd Numbers 7:1-89; Mark 14:43-72
3rd Numbers 8:1-9:23; Mark 15:1-47
4th Numbers 10:1-36; Mark 16:1-20
General Announcements:
May 7th District Prayer Mtg - Bethersden
May 10th Barbercue - 5.30 - 7p.m.
May 15th evening - John Roberts
For your diary - a reminder that the Church Anniversary is Saturday 15th November - John Blanchard.