We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by PastorToday's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00amam Morning Service
6.30pm Evening Service
Tea and biscuits will follow the service. Following this, we will prepare the church for the week's Holiday Bible Club.
Weekly Meetings:
Monday to Wednesday
9.25am Prayer Meeting
10.00am -12.00pm Holiday Bible Club
6.30pm Holiday Bible Club Prize Giving
11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
Thought For The Week:
"He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Psalm 126:6
Prayer For The Church:
Please pray that God may bless the Holiday Bible Club we are holding this week. Pray that;
* The application of the short plays may be well received.
* For those having to remember lines.
* That the children may enjoy all the activities i.e. singing, quizzes, craft etc.
* Pray that the children may be kept safe, especially crossing the road outside the church.
* Pray for Erith also holding a H.B.C. this weeks.
Kathleen and Bernard have asked us to pass on their real appreciation for the love and prayer support shown by their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Please pray for Norman Gilbert as he travels to Kenya soon to take up a number of preaching engagements.
Prayer For The Local Area:
Tunbridge Wells is the church on our Prayer Link for the coming week. The church correspondent writes: ‘Pray that bridge building activities - mothers & toddlers, children's/youth work, and various men's ministries may provide gospel opportunities. Pray especially for salvation of souls.'
Gravesend. The church at Gravesend is delighted to report that Stephen Lloyd has accepted a call to the pastorate. Please pray for the church and the new pastor as they plan for the future.
Prayer For The Wider Area:
TWR goes on the air in Benin
Trans World Radio is now airing the good news of Jesus Christ into spiritually needy West Africa. Broadcasts in 14 languages began February 1 from a powerful 100,000-watt AM transmitter located in the country of Benin, the birthplace of voodoo.
The new broadcasting outlet marks TWR's 14th major international transmitting site, and it fortifies the Mission's 33-year-old evangelical outreach in Africa. The facility has the potential to reach some 63 million people, many of whom belong to another major world religion. "We need to pray for those who are going to hear the gospel perhaps for the very first time," says TWR-Africa Director of Operations Ray Alary. "Pray that they will be receptive and that their hearts will be changed for the Lord Jesus Christ."
TWR's broadcasts in 14 languages to West Africa include evangelical and discipleship programs produced by pastors, Christian organizations and church leaders in West Africa.
GBM News from Macedonia
Things are changing in Macedonia and prices of most things are going up and people's wages remain the same. People are worried about Macedonia trying to get into Europe because they can't see wages getting better and yet people are struggling to live, electricity, water, food are all more expensive which is adding extra stress into people's lives.
B is a 30 year old believer in the church here at Ohrid, she came to know the Lord a number of years ago and has faced problems at home from her parents who are Orthodox Christians. Two years ago her father died, then the problems became even worse because her mother believes that B's new faith has brought a curse on the family and caused her husband's cancer and death. Her Mother finally asked her to leave home saying, "I don't want you here anymore"; this is far from unique in Macedonia.
B was staying with a friend in Skopje while looking for work, she hasn't found a job and she has been asked to leave. She has been given a small flat if needed here in Ohrid for a few months if all else fails in Skopje. When somebody becomes a Christian here there is always a price to pay.
Bible Readings:
17 Genesis 49:29-50:26; Acts 7:1-53
18 Psalms 11-12; Acts 7:54-8:8
19 Exodus 1:1-2:25; Acts 8:9-40
20 Exodus 3:1-22; Acts 9:1-19a
21 Exodus 4:1-5:23; Acts 9:19b-43
22 Exodus 6:1-27; Acts 10:1-23a
23 Exodus 6:28-7:24; Acts 10:23b-48
24 Exodus 7:25-8:32; Acts 11:1-30
Acknowledgement - North Coast Calvary Chapel
General Announcements:
Holiday Bible Club
Even if you cannot help with the whole morning session , please join in the prayer time at 9.25 each morning This usually finishes at 9.50.
Helpers are welcome to bring a packed lunch and enjoy fellowship following each morning session.
Barbecue It was agreed at the church meeting to bring the B.B.Q forward to tie in with the H.B.C. *The first date that seems to be free for most people is May 11th (Please let Paul know today if this date is not convenient.) Food will be served from 5.30 to 7p.m. Invitations will be given to all families attending the H.B.C. The whole purpose of this is for members of the church to build links with parents.
Dates for Diary
Member's Meeting postponed Please note that this meeting has had to be postponed until Tuesday 4th March