The annual NFL spectacle known as "Superbowl" attracts billions of TV viewers around the world. Being held, not surprisingly, on a Sunday Evening each year there are many professing Christians - including Pastors - who are so obsessed with this football "worship" that it is viewed as a "must-see" event even for them and their churches. To avoid the vexing dilemma of whether they ought to stay home, and miss church services that evening, some have in recent times come up with the novel idea of showing the game on large-screens at their churches. Realizing that when it comes to a choice between God and the World, God will always lose out with those who have more interest in the World,and its toys, these "Christians" have decided to act upon the principle:"If you can't beat them, join them". And so it is that the world gets brought into the church, in the form of "Superbowl services". However, worldly consciences may be salved by the inviting of "sinners" to the events, where they can be entertained (along with all the millions of other worldlings) by the "pig-skin" during the game, and then "evangelized" at half-time by means of video "testimonies" from athletes and coaches who claim to be "serving the Lord in the NFL". Some churches have boasted of how many have truly been "saved" as a result of "Superbowl Sunday" evangelism. I wonder if they have ever considered that there may be a problem with the concept:"Let us do evil that good may come"? Can the blessing of God rest upon the desecration of His Day and therefore His Law? Such abominations as Superbowl Sunday Church Services are properly regarded, by those with a Scriptural perspective on such matters, as being merely part of a wider problem in today's "Christianity" - i.e.The Entertainment Syndrome.
A few drops of the influence of this world can inebriate us... how dangerous is it to drink from the bowl of the worlds influence, and to get tangled up in the worlds way of thinking.