Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.Psalm 51:1-3
1 Thessalonians 5:25
I know that every God-called pastor and preacher of the Gospel asks
this of those to whom he preaches. We’ve been called and commissioned of God to preach the gospel to every creature...called to watch for the souls of God’s elect as men that must give account, an account that might be given with joy and not with grief. We’re to
comfort God’s sheep by continually reminding them that, concerning
their salvation, “her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity ispardoned: for she has received of the LORD’s hand double for all her sins.” We seek God’s message of the hour to His church, knowing that His sheep are to be fed the Bread of heaven Himself. Brethren, who is sufficient for these things? ... “Pray for us.”
Pastor Marvin Stalnaker
I would say to every preacher, elder, and teacher--preach Christ Jesus, our Lord!
When you are up or when you are down,
When you are young and when you are old,
When you first preach and when you last preach--PREACH CHRIST!
When your crowd is small or when it is large,
When men love you and when they hate you,
When you preach to the wise and when you preach to the unwise--PREACH CHRIST!
When you are happy and when you are sad,
When you are sick or when you are well,
When you see results and when you do not see results--PREACH CHRIST!
When you wish to comfort and when you correct,
When you preach to believers or to unbelievers,
When you are prepared and when you are not prepared--PREACH CHRIST!
The message is always the same--"We preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord and ourselves your servants for His sake" (2 Cor. 4:5). Pastor Henry T. Mahan (bulletin article 1994)
Complete In Christ
In Christ, there is no further perfection to attain. In Christ, a sinner is
made to be everything that God requires him to be. In Christ, wisdom
is complete, righteousness is complete, sanctification is complete, and redemption is complete. To know Him is to know it all, and to have Him is to have it all. In Christ, we are as perfectly complete as we will ever be (1 Cor. 1:30). Pastor Gabe Stalnaker
Have you heard from Satan, the accuser of the brethren today? Has he accused you of sin? Has he accused you of unrighteousness? Has he accused you of unworthiness? Then take comfort because “we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins” (I John 2:1-2) When Satan accuses you of sin, trust Christ whose blood cleanses us from all sin (I John 1:7) When Satan accuses you of unrighteousness, trust Christ, Jehovah-tsidkenu, the Lord our righteousness (Jer. 23:6) When Satan accuses you of your unworthiness, trust Christ who “hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light” (Col. 1:12) In every accusation and in every situation, trust Christ alone and it shall be well with your soul. Pastor Frank Tate
Contrary to popular opinion, Jesus Christ did not die on the cross to make an offer of salvation, to be accepted or rejected by men. He died to make Himself an offering to His Father for the sins of His people. Heb.9:14. He died to satisfy God’s holy justice and put away the sins of His people by the sacrifice of Himself. Heb.9:26 His Father saw the “travail of His soul and was satisfied” Is.53:11. His resurrection from the dead is proof that He accomplished exactly what He came to do.
Pastor Greg Elmquist
2 PETER 1:10
“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” So how do we make our calling and election sure? We don’t, God does! We cannot work out what God has not worked in. (Philippians 2:12-13) Nothing in the Word of God would lead us to think that we have the ability, will, or power to call and choose ourselves.