We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by our Pastor, Mark Gladwell.Today's Meetings:
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
5.00pm Family Carol Service - Followed by Refreshments.
Contributions for light refreshments, i.e. sausage rolls, mince pies etc will be welcome. Thank you.
This Week's Meetings:
10.30 - 11.30a.m.
Christmas Morning Service - Led by Mark Gladwell
11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services
A.M. Jo Long
P.M. Pastor
Greetings to all our friends both in the congregation and to those who read our news on the website. We pray that you may have a love filled Christmas and a joy filled New Year.
Thought For The Week:
"Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace and goodwill toward men!" Luke 2:14
Prayer For The Church:
Please begin to pray for the outreach opportunities that arise over the Christmas period.
Pray that the calendars that have been and will be distributed will be well received.
Please continue to pray for Pastor as he continues to recover from the ill health that he has suffered recently.
Prayer For The Local Area:
East Ham is the church on the Prayer Diary for week beginning 23rd December. The church correspondent writes: ‘Earlier this year we experienced the loss of our much loved pastor, Nigel Lacey. We call on our Lord to keep us united in serving him and to give us a man to lead us in this needy area of our city.'
Prayer For The Wider Area:
A Christian satellite ministry celebrates
Christians in Iran and Afghanistan are celebrating more than Christmas this year. This week SAT-7 PARS, a Farsi-language Christian satellite TV channel, is celebrating its first anniversary of 24-hour-a-day programming. For the last 365 days, SAT-7 PARS has broadcast locally-produced programs around-the-clock in Iran and Afghanistan.
Local church leaders have told the SAT-7 PARS team of the significant impact the channel is having on church growth and the ability to disciple and train new believers.
"We've had a tremendous response to the broadcasts, and the comments from our viewers keep us motivated to do more. We've had callers from all over Iran, Afghanistan and Europe as well," said Sara, SAT-7 PARS executive director. "They say they trust us and appreciate the variety and quality of programs we broadcast."
Viewers have said that SAT-7 PARS is their only source of Christian teaching, training and encouragement in Iran and Afghanistan. Others have called or written PARS counsellors to learn how they can become followers of Christ.
"It's a wonderful achievement," said the SAT-7 PARS executive director. "A year ago we launched a new channel with only five people. We have huge plans for the future, including a new comprehensive teaching program that will help viewers who need basic discipleship and those looking for more advanced theological training."
SAT-7 PARS began broadcasting five years ago under the name of Iranian Christian Broadcasting, with a two-hour weekly broadcast. Four years later, SAT-7 launched a new 24-hour broadcasting channel. In late 2006, the ministry changed the channel's name to SAT-7 PARS to indicate its focus on Persian/Farsi-speaking people located both in and near Iran. The channel also broadcasts four hours of programming in Turkish each day.
The channel broadcasts many programs produced by local Iranian Christians including talk shows, shows that model how house churches can study the Bible, dramas, documentaries, films, cartoons and children's programs. Each week between 9 and 10 million people tune in. Broadcast in three languages-Arabic, Farsi and Turkish, SAT-7 can be viewed via satellite in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, much of Central Asia and worldwide at http://www.sat7.org/
Bible Readings:
Mon 24th Dec
Psalm 51
Matthew 18
Tue 25th Dec
Psalm 52
Matthew 19
Wed 26th Dec
Psalm 53
Matthew 20
Thur 27th Dec
Psalm 54
Matthew 21
Fri 28th Dec
Psalm 55
Matthew 22
Sat 29th Dec
Psalm 56
Matthew 23
Sun 30th Dec
Psalm 57
Matthew 24
General Announcements:
Dates for the Diary
December 31st - New Years Eve - games and refreshments from 9 p.m. Devotions and prayer . - 11.30 p.m.
Table Tennis:
Congratulations to Simon for winning the Inter Church Table Tennis Competition! Thank you to Lee for organizing a fun evening.