At first I was surprised to read in a report from Barna that, "if the 2008 election were held today, among born again voters, 37% would vote Democrat, 38% would vote Republican."
Then I read that Hillary Clinton received a standing O at the Rick Warren AIDS-awareness-whatever he sponsors at his really big church. (And somehow, I doubt that she was exhorting homosexuals to repent.)
But when I heard that Robertson endorsed Guiliani, Bob Jones III endorsed Romney, and Al Mohler endorsed Bob's endorsement of Romney, I understood why there is no essential difference between professing Christians and the wider population.
Although some of us suspected it earlier in the 90s, now it has become clear to all. Evangelical, "born again" Christians have lost their distinctiveness - saltiness, I think is how Jesus put it.
They are unable to unify behind a godly candidate only because they don't have a clue what godliness is.
. . .for one simple reason. The evangelical church will not teach the law of God as the standard for righteousness and the definition of sin. Unfortunately, that includes many a conservative fundamentalist and reformed church.
Because they think Christ-centered teaching beats God-centered teaching, faith beats repentance, grace beats law, and the New Testament beats the Old Testament, these churches seldom bother teaching the biblical principles governing education, voting, economics, culture, politics, family, peace-making, Deuteronomy, Proverbs, and the Song of Solomon (God's message on sex) on a Sunday morning.
Thus, when it comes to politics they will revert to pragmatism instead of standing on the unchanging principles of God's Word.
That is why if the 2008 election were held today, among born again voters, 37% would vote Democrat, 38% would vote Republican.