We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today.Today's meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service - Pastor
5.40pm Lord's Table (see note below)
6.30pm Evening Service - John McIllmurray
After Church Fellowship will be at Cliff & Joyces.
Weekly meetings:
7.15am Prayer for revival
9.30am to 11.00pm Mums & Tots
3.45pm to 4.45pm Children's Hour
6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 4, 5 & 6 children.
7.45pm S.E. District prayer meeting Erith
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker: Marc Wheway SASRA
7.45pm Bible study and prayer meeting - Speaker: Pastor
7.30pm to 9.00pm FOY - For secondary school children
5.30pm Church and Pastor's Anniversary - Preacher Stan Evers - followed by buffet tea.
11.00am & 6.30pm Anniversary Services - Preacher: Stan Evers
Thought for the week:
"For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him."
Psalm 103:11
Prayer For The Church:
Continue to pray for the midweek meetings that God may bless these.
Pray for Daniel as he has an operation on his knee tomorrow (Monday).
Prayer For The Local Area:
Horsham is the church on the Prayer Diary for this week. The church correspondent writes: ‘We continue to be encouraged by the growth in numbers attending services regularly as well as by several outreach works now established and focused upon the local community.' Please pray for the church at Horsham.
Prayer For The Wider Area:
News from Kenya - Keith and Priscilla Underhill
On 9th October I spent the day with a new church that we are helping amongst the Maasai. They have a background in the Southern Baptists. There are over 70 members. There are 8 deacons and are looking forward to the appointment of another elder.
I found particularly encouraging their burden to start new churches, and they have in mind 4 places in a radius of 10-15 miles. It is a great joy to visit such a place and to see a serious response to the word. The ‘altar call' is no longer practiced and yet people are still being converted! You can anticipate some of the pressures they have from surrounding churches.
Pastor Masunga and I visited the Fraternal of leaders from the Ukambani area 16th. October. 11 leaders were present from 8 churches in the general area, and one missionary church plant among the Maasai in Namanga south on the Tanzanian border. The lead church, Bethesda Baptist in Kiatuni, has now received its own registration from the Government, so is no longer registered under TBC, Nairobi. We had come to fellowship and to express some of our concerns. We have heard things from many leaders in the area that ‘money has ruined the ministry in Ukambani', and we have received letters explaining why some of the churches will refuse to have closer links with Bethesda. It is the same scenario as in Nairobi, an unwillingness to say a negative thing openly, and it shows that there is still so much immaturity, so much clinging to culture while we call ourselves ‘Reformed'. We need wisdom and patience to continue to deal with these issues in a Biblical way.
David & Elizabeth Anderson
The Andersons, with their 3 small children, are planning to join us in the ministry here in Kenya around the middle of November. They will stay in Nairobi with the church here for up to a year, pending a decision on the exact place of their future ministry in Kenya. For the past few years David has been church planting in Belper in UK and studying theology.
Please keep praying that we will not get discouraged, but will press on because "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life" (Jas. 1:12).
Weekly Bible Readings:
Mon 5th Nov
Psalm 2
2 John 1
Tue 6th Nov
Psalm 3
3 John 1
Wed 7th Nov
Psalm 4
Thur 8th Nov
Psalm 5
Revelation 1
Fri 9th Nov
Psalm 6
Revelation 2
Sat 10th Nov
Psalm 7
Revelation 3
Sun 11th Nov
Psalm 8
Revelation 4
General Announcements:
Anniversary buffet
Would members please indicate on the list what they would like to contribute to the buffet
Want to get fit?
If you would like to have some fun getting fit, please see either Sarah or Debbie. This is open to everyone on a Monday evening from 7.30pm
Lord's Table: We invite visitors who are active members of an evangelical church and have been baptized by immersion to commune at the Lords Table. Friends who are not eligible to participate are welcome to observe but are kindly asked to refrain from taking the bread and wine.