We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Pastor Mark Gladwell.Today's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
6.30pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship will be at Bruce and Margaret's
Weekly Meetings:
9.30am to 11.00am Mums & Tots
3.45pm to 4.45pm Children's Hour
6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 4, 5 & 6 children.
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker: Mr Dawson
7.45pm John Roberts - L.D.O.S
FOY Special
11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services - Led by Pastor am and John McIllmurray pm
Thought For The Week:
"He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper." Psalm 1 v 3
Prayer For The Church:
Please pray for the special FOY fireworks event this Friday that those travelling may be kept in safety and that Gods word will be blessed.
Continue to pray for the midweek meetings that God may bless these.
Pray for Ralph as he preaches at Erith today.
Prayer For The Local Area:
Highbury is the church on the Prayer Diary for the coming week. The church is encouraged by its transition to home-groups mid-week, and by a baptism in July. Please pray for the church as it contemplates changes in its leadership team and for Kester and Nicola Putman and Tim and Suzanne Mitchell as they seek the Lord's leading for the future.
Prayer For The Wider Area:
News from the Bible Broadcasting Network - BBNRadio.org
BBN is sharing the Word of God around the world via streaming on the internet in several languages. We also operate AM and FM radio stations in 14 countries of North and South America. Those stations reach over 200 million people.
BBN-Spanish was excited to learn that we have been given the go-ahead to increase the power of our radio station in Caracas, Venezuela. We have a large listening audience in Caracas. This increase in power will enable us to reach even more with the Word of God.
BBN-Chinese received this email this week: " Something amazing happened in my family recently. My husband is not a Christian. I have been praying for him every day that he may know God. Guess what? It happened that he changed abruptly. He started to accept Christian teaching. There were two mornings that he woke up early and had devotions with me, though he did not make it daily. Before, he hated to listen to me whenever I shared Jesus. I was astonished by all of his sudden change. One Sunday, I was listening to the BBN-Chinese Sunday worship program. God inspired me to invite my husband to listen. My first reaction was he would not like to listen, don't bother him. Nevertheless God consistently called upon my heart to follow His instruction. I obeyed God and went and asked my husband if he would like to join me listening to BBN-Chinese. I really couldn't believe what happened. He happily turned off his TV and listened to BBN-Chinese with me. I thank God for answering my earnest prayer request."
BBN-Korean had this email from a new listener in Ecuador: "I am 53 years old, a mother of 2 grown children and I am an immigrant in Ecuador. When I started to go to church six months ago and started to work at new business place, I wanted to listen to Christian broadcasting. I found BBN-Korean and it was so good. Ever since then I open and close every single day with BBN-Korean as I open and close my store. I am new in Christianity but want to get closer to the Lord. I want to get assurance of salvation and faith. I want to be closer to Him little by little everyday. Amen."
Weekly Bible Readings:
Mornings Job 37 - 42 and Psalm 1
Evenings 2 Peter 2 - 3 and 1 John 1 - 5
General Announcements:
Holiday Bible Club
Please note that this will take place in the week February 18th - 22nd. Probably the Monday to Wednesday.
Want to get fit?
If you would like to have some fun getting fit, please see either Sarah or Debbie. This is open to everyone on a Monday evening from 7.30 pm
WE BELIEVE a guide to church fellowship.
Our rules require that all seeking membership are given one of these booklets. Of recent years these have been in short supply and some of the fellowship may not have received one. It is intended to reproduce the booklet in full and pt2 is available today. Please ask Paul for a copy if you would like one.