Barna Research finds that the vast majority of non-Christians — 91 percent — 87% say Christianity has an anti-gay image, percent say we’re judgmental, and 85% say we’re hypocritical. No surprise. When was the last time an unbeliever told you that you were judgmental and hypocritical? The survey would have been roughly the same somewhere around 30AD. Didn’t the Pharisees call Jesus judgmental for referring to them as whited sepulchers?
The tension introduced in the discussions on the evangelical faith is the seeming incompatibility between faith and repentance unto life. Perhaps the lack of repentance on the part of Christians for their own pride and hypocrisy could render some validity to the accusations. But then again, there is a marked difference between the believer and the unbeliever. The believer admits his pride and hypocrisy. Wasn’t that the whole point of Jesus dying on the cross?
Did you hear about the other research on social perceptions of Christians? Apparently, 98% of Americans describe modern Christianity as anti-lying, anti-fornicating, anti-idolatry, anti-thievery, and anti-adultery. When asked whether they thought some guy named Paul was judgmental and hypocritical when he wrote, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God,” 92% responded in the affirmative. When asked the follow-up question, whether the respondents themselves fell into the categories of fornicator, liar, homosexual, idolator, and adulterer, 93% responded in the affirmative. When asked whether they were lying on the previous question, an additional 5% responded in the affirmative.
Listen to our October 19th Generations broadcast on this catalyzing and defining issue, as we continue our vigil for evangelicalism in its final death throes.