The rumbling of a distant storm prepare us for a deluge of disturbing rain. While the populace rushes to make some necessary adjustments to minimise any potential damage, the farmer welcomes the moisture of the heavens with reserved caution hoping it will advance his precious seed. For as the sun shines, so does the rain fall upon the just and the unjust. The comforting assurance for the trusting heart of the Believer lies in the mighty purposes of a Sovereign God. The Sinners of Noah’s day were ripe for the judgement of a holy God while the prophet Elijah saw hope and rescue in the approaching cloud.
If we believe that God rules in the heavens and He rides upon the storm we bow to His unfolding purposes and await with patience the sealing of His desire, convinced in the rich pastures of our soul that ultimately all things work together for good in the lives and circumstances of those who love God and are the called according to His purpose. The testing of our faith works patience and as we rest (wait) in willing subordination for the divine adjustments to our circumstances we are already convinced that we are upon the potters wheel as He the Master Potter adjusts the motivations and energies of our heart.
When we are weak we wait upon the Lord and our strength is renewed. In our distress we call upon His name and we are saved. When in doubt He leads us, hungry, He feeds us, fearful, He holds us in His hand. When we pass through the waters He whispers to our anxious spirit, “I will never leave you nor will I forsake you”. May we learn to say with the Psalmist in all life's uncertain moments, “I will trust and not be afraid,” for, “ If God is for us then who can be against us,” Let us take refuge in the promises of Scripture and the consolations of grace so shall we rise up on wings as an eagle to soar above the elements of our consternation and be renewed in the warmth of uninterrupted sweet communion with the Sovereign of the universe yet the lover of our Souls. Jesus lover of my Soul let me to Thy bosom fly!